The mainstream media reported that the DRDO scientist PK who was arrested after allegedly leaking secrets to isi agent zara dasgupta has refused to undergo brain mapping, protesting that his human rights are being violated
This again exposes the horrific human rights abuses, brain wave reading the domain investor, a harmless private citizen has been subjected to since 2010 without a legally valid reason by top government employees who hate her, especially her btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay like j srinivasan, puneet, who criminally defame her to justify their human rights abuses.
It exposes how wireless technology is being extensively misused to rob the trade secrets of small online business owners, run one of the greatest government SLAVERY rackets by the indian tech and internet companies,government agencies which falsely claim that their lazy greedy employees especially panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, who do not spend any time are doing the computer work to get monthly government salaries at the expense of the real online worker
Category: Uncategorized
Wireless radiation used extensively for committing human rights abuses on harmless citizens
Wireless radiation used for torturing citizens also causes insomnia
One of the main problems working online is that government agencies are subjected online workers to the most horrific human rights abuses without a legally valid reason. They prefer to use wireless radiation for torture since it is very difficult for the citizen tortured to prove that radiation is being used for torturing.
In addition to robbing data, the wireless technology also causes insomnia since the cells which produce melatonin are damaged
This makes it very difficult for the harmless citizen to sleep at night , and adversely affects the memory , alertness of the citizen the next day.
Drinking chamomile tea does not help in any way, some citizens have to take multiple sleeping medicines to sleep well at night
Though prices have fallen to $50, CRUEL GREEDY government employees continue their human rights abuses
Extremely low prices of domains expose the cruelty, greed of well paid government employees
Usually the value of all assets is increasing rapidl. in the last decade, property prices have doubled or tripled
In contrast the prices of domains has reduced to one tenth of their value in the last decade
The domain investor is a harmless private citizen , yet she was subjected to the most horrific human rights abuses without a legally valid reason since 2010, because her extremely CRUEL SELFISH DISHONEST LIAR btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay, falsely claimed that the domains were very valuable, it was a great privilege owning the domains and the government employees had the right to commit human right abuses
In reality the domains are not valuable, the price of the domains has reduced ten times in the last decade, In 2016, the domain investor could sell for $500 , now on namepros buyers are only offering $50
yet the dishonest liar well paid GREEDY government employees,tech and internet companies continue their fake stories that the domains are very valuable to continue their government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD, human rights abuses, cybercrime on the domain investor.
The domain investor is willing to sell the domains at a reasonable price, yet the extremely greedy selfish liar WELL PAID ntro/raw/cbi employees refuse to legally purchase the domains, instead making fake allegations to cover up their domain ownership fraud against the domain investor who is making great losses
Causing insomnia is the favorite way to torture government SLAVERY, BANKING FRAUD victim
GREEDY DISHONEST indian tech, internet companies extremely ruthless in ROBBING, CHEATING, TORTURING indian small online business owners to increase their profit
Though the GREEDY DISHONEST indian tech, internet companies make millions of dollars in profit, claim to be very honest and generous, donating to top colleges, in reality they are extremely miserly GREEDY CHEATERS , ruthless in TORTURING, committing human rights abuses on small online business owners to increase their profit.
The domain investor, small online business owner is victim of a government SLAVERY , FINANCIAL FRAUD racket since 2010, due to which she is making very less money online and has very less free time, since the extremely DISHONEST CORRUPT LIAR indian government agencies are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy employees like indore cheater housewife deepika/veena, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, bengaluru cheater nayanshree and others who do not spend any time and money, own this and other websites, have written the content.
So to save time, the domain investor avoids going out for shopping unless it is really necessary, preferring to shop more items at one time. Yet instead of having some pityon the single woman who is looted of Rs 15 lakh annually by each of the domain fraudster raw/cbi employees, it appears that the tech and internet companies are bribing the local security agencies to cause insomnia to torture her, cause human rights abuses. So now the domain investor finds that she cannot sleep at night due to human rights abuses on her. Usually the sleep medicine is very effective, yet due to expensive insomnia equipment used, the domain investor cannot get any sleep.
Top indian government employees ruthless in their human rights abuses, SLAVERY of their female btech 1993 ee classmate
Indian government agencies treat online workers at home, worse than maidservants, refusing to acknowledge the computer, writing work done
While the mainstream media carries the news of the donations of top indian tech and internet companies to top colleges, it refuses to cover the government SLAVERY racket which these extremely profitable tech and internet companies are running since 2010, on small online business owners to increase their own profit while causing great losses to the business owner
The indian government agencies will acknowledge the work done by maidservants working at home, and the mainstream media will cover the plight of maidservants who are not being paid or are mistreated
Yet in a major case of government SLAVERY the indian government is refusing tO acknowledge both the investment and work done by some online business owners, domain investors like the single woman engineer owning this and other websites
Instead government agencies are relying on LIAR top government employees especially from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay, like puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh, vijay who HATE the domain investor, their female classmate, and are falsely claiming that this and other domains, online income, belongs to them and their real girlfriends like greedy gujju stock trader amita patel who have never invested any money in domains, never done any computer, writing work in a major case of government SLAVERY which is widely discussed on reddit, quora and elsewhere
The single woman domain investor can legally prove that the LIAR government employees HATE her, and are making fake claims, yet the top indian tech and internet companies are so ruthless in their ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD that they continue to support the domain, banking fraudster raw/cbi employees since 2010. Additionally these extremely cruel cunning government employees are also using sophisticated MEMORY READING equipment on the single woman engineer without a court order in a clear case of human rights abuses, denying the single woman the right to privacy, right to a fair living and the right to a life of dignity.
Though they cannot provide proof after 13 years, CHEATER LIAR indore officials/leaders make FAKE allegations to commit human rights abuses
One of the greatest ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUDS, government SLAVERY rackets is how raw, indian government continues to support GREEDY CHEATER LIAR indore officials,leaders continue making FAKE allegations against the goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer to ROB advertising revenues for indore’s top fraud raw employee housewife deepika/veena who is only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband mahesh, has never invested any money in domains in her life
Despite wasting crores of indian taxpayer money since 2010, the GREEDY CHEATER LIAR indore officials,leaders like goan, haryana,gujju, sindhi, shivalli brahmin officials/leaders have not found any proof at all against the single woman engineer, yet showing their lack of honesty and humanity they continue to make fake allegations without any legally valid proof, to continue their human rights abuses, financial fraud, government SLAVERY
though the indore fraud raw employee deepika/veena is extremely wealthy in 2023, she refuses to purchase the domains legally, refuses to pay domain, website expenses yet continue to steal the advertising revenues from the single woman who is making great losses because of the fraud of indore officials/leaders and other states like goa,gujarat, haryana, karnataka on her.
Manipulated defamatory videos being used to justify government SLAVERY, human rights abuses since 2010
Making a defamatory video of a harmless private citizen is not free, someone has to plan the making of the video very carefully, spend a lot of time making the actual video, editing and circulating it. usually no one makes defamatory videos of private citizens, no one has the time and inclination to do so.
Yet in a financial fraud, government SLAVERY racket unique to the indian internet sector, government, government agencies are committing a financial fraud of at least Rs 15 lakh annually on a hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor, since 2010, and are justifying the FINANCIAL FRAUD by making and circulating defamatory videos of the single woman when she is in a public place.
As part of the government SLAVERY racket in the indian internet sector, raw/cbi employees are not doing any computer work, yet getting great powers, monthly government salary and have now misused their powers to block all the writing work for the domain investor.
So one of the websites the domain investor has used is paying members for watching youtube videos. one of the reasons why people are opting to make videos is because it is more lucrative, though creating a video requires far more effort than creating text content.
Though the liar indian internet companies are citing quality to justify the denial of work, on Youtube the domain investor has noticed that the quality of the videos uploaded varies to a great extent. Shooting the video,and editing it properly takes some time, effort and equipment. More time and effort is required for shooting the best quality videos, even a 5 minute video will cost Rs 10000 or more.
Yet since the domain fraudster raw/cbi employees are making a profit of Rs 15 lakh annually from the indian internet sector financial fraud, government SLAVERY, they continue to make and circulate a large number of defamatory videos of a harmless hardworking single woman domain investor taking advantage of the government policy of blindly believing in the defamatory videos
These GREEDY SHAMELESS CHEATER high status “respectable” domain fraudster raw/cbi employees will pay their household help and others for the work they do, yet they show their true character making and circulating manipulated defamatory videos of a hardworking single woman to cheat her of Rs 15 lakh annually since 2010, taking advantage of the fact that she has no one to help or defend her against the frauds making, circulating the videos.
CUNNING CHEATER indore officials/leaders extremely vicious in CRIMINALLY DEFAMING harmless goa 1989 jee topper to commit horrific human rights abuses
GREEDY LIAR indore officials/leaders continue with CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of goa 1989 jee topper to get indore’s top CHEATER housewife raw employee deepika/veena monthly government salaries without doing computer work, without investing money in domains
Like the Kuno imported cheetah’s which the madhya pradesh government is housing at a very great cost, who are straying outside their territory, the CUNNING CHEATER indore officials/leaders have found a very convenient way to make the state and city richer, targetting vulnerable obc engineers with good JEE rank for resume theft, cybercrime and CRIMINAL DEFAMATION so that lazy greedy housewives from the state can get lucrative raw jobs with the ROBBED RESUME, data, bank account of the single woman engineer, domain investor
The CUNNING CHEATER indore officials/leaders do not want to CHEAT, EXPLOIT, ROB any indore local, because the citizen will complain, so they are extremely ruthless and vicious in targetting vulnerable citizens like the goa 1989 jee topper, a hardworking single woman engineer, for CRIMINAL DEFAMATION so that indore’s top cheater housewife deepika/veena who is only COOKING, CLEANINg for her crooked husband can get a monthly government salary for FAKING domain ownership, bank account and her resume since 2010
Though the goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer has never visited indore or madhya pradesh in her life which can be legally proved, the GREEDY CUNNING CHEATER madhya pradesh officials are making fake cheating, security threat and black money allegations without any proof t all since 2010, to justify the RESUME ROBBERY, BANKING FRAUD, government SLAVERY
The engineer has lived in the same state for more than 20 years when she was a penniless student at the age of 17, she was not labelled a security threat, only when she has savings,and is well known worldwide as a domain investor, she is being falsely labelled a security threat, cheater for RESUME ROBBERY, though she has largely remained in the same area for more than 20 years and doing the same activities, reading and writing . Due to the government FINANCIAL FRAUD, the engineer is making a loss since 2012, so there is no black money at all, which can be legally proved.
Indicating the lack of social justice, widespread human rights abuses, the indian government refuses to ask the LIAR CHEATER indore officials/leaders, their favorite fraud raw employee bespectacled cheater deepika/veena for proof of black money, cheating, security threat and continues to waste indian taxpayer money paying indore’s top cheater deepika/veena a monthly government salary, DUPING companies, countries and people with its lies.
Legal help required to end the criminal defamation of the indore officials.leaders which the indian government blindly believes, clearly indicating that some citizens like goa 1989 jee topper are denied the right to equality.
Using his great acting skills, charm, cheater government employee puneet has got away with cybercrime, human rights absuses and financial fraud since 2010
Before indian government agencies comment on the website content, they should explain why top indian government employees are abusing their powers to commit cybercrime, human rights absuses and financial fraud on harmless private citizens who they hate since 2010 causing great losses to the private citizen without any legally valid reason.
Using his great acting skills, charm, cheater government employee puneet has allegedly got away with cybercrime, human rights abuses and financial fraud on his female btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay, who he HATED since 2010 and encouraged other government employees especially from his class like j srinivasan, tushar parekh, vijay, parmar and others to also commit cybercrime and use the stolen data, resume to get his lazy greedy fraud girlfriends lucrative raw/cbi jobs with the stolen data, resume of his female btech 1993 ee classmate who he HATED, never helped in any way
Since the real girlfriends of brahmin cheater government employee puneet and others are mainly housewives, call girls and frauds with no online income, no online investment to cover up his online, financial fraud the cheater puneet continue their cybercrime on the single woman engineer, so that they can make fake claims about their lazy greedy CHEATER girlfriends like pinkhouse partner greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, sindhi scammer naina premchandani, greedy goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar , indore robber deepika/veena
The cunning cheater puneet who is also an excellent actor, called dev anand in college is expert in manipulating people being a performer , so he is making fake allegations without any proof to criminally defame, his btech 1993 ee classmate who he hates and also encourages others to slander, criminally defame the single woman so that no one believes her, though she is telling the truth
government employee anish acharya’s CYBERCRIME is another example of human rights abuses
Anish acharya is another government employee involved in cybercrime, faking website ownership
Though the gsb architect kalpana nayak (name changed) never did any work online, the cheater brahmin government employee anish acharya got her a job allegedly in MI, intelligence faking domain ownership. If a search is done with kalpana nayak’s real name in google, one of the first terms which will appear kalpana nayak military intelligence indicating that a large number of people are searching for her
Now kalpana nayak has relocated to california with her husband, yet anish acharya continues with his great online,financial fraud,spreading fake rumors about the ownership of domains of a private citizen after criminally defaming her with fake stories like other government employees
The brahmin cheater anish acharya like other raw/cbi employees refuses to purchase the domains,relies on the indian tech and internet companies to support him in his CYBERCRIME,FINANCIAL FRAUD
It is an indication of widespread human rights abuses that the government employee anish acharya is allowed to commit cybercrime on a harmless private citizen,stealing all her data for the last 13 years without a legally valid reason,denying her fundamental right especially the right to privacy and causing great financial losses since valuable information is robbed and sold to others
The government is allowing dishonesty greedy frauds like anish acharya to misuse expensive government equipment to commit CYBERCRIME, ROBBING the important business information, affiliate income and advertising revenue of the harmless private citizen who is making a loss since alone pays all the expense while well paid GREEDY ROBBER government employees like anish acharya,pune axe bank manager sindhi scammer nikhil premchandani his brother,karan premchandani, DO NOT PAY any business expenses yet are allowed to ROB the affiliate income and advertising revenues of private citizens without being questioned
The indian government agencies are aware that the real domain investor is making very less yet it allows its GREEDY CYBERCRIMINAL ROBBER employees like anish acharya,pune axe bank manager sindhi scammer nikhil premchandani his brother,karan premchandani, goan bhandaris to ROB the affiliate income and advertising revenues of small online business owners, private citizens to any extent
When diamond and other jewelry was stolen from home of NTT MD Sharad sanghi, he could file a complaint with the police, online business owners who find that their revenues, affiliate income are robbed by government employees anish acharya, pune axe bank manager sindhi scammer nikhil premchandani his brother,karan premchandani, goan bhandaris find it very difficult to end the robbery
while the CYBERCRIME of a harmless private citizen is lucrative for GREEDY dishonest well paid government employees like anish acharya, who then sell the stolen data, collect affiliate and advertising revenues without paying expenses, it is not legal and the citizen whose data is stolen is denied her fundamental rights especially the right to privacy.
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