Death of Haryana BJP leader Sonali Phogat shows that cheating, exploitation and robbery of single women by people they trust is rampant in India

Haryana BJP leader Sonali Phogat was betrayed by her assistant and friend who she trusted, they allegedly murdered her
The case of Haryana BJP leader Sonali Phogat is worth monitoring because it exposes how rampant betrayal of single woman in India is at present, especially if they have some income and assets. If a single woman does not trust anyone, she is falsely labelled a security threat without any kind of proof.
yet indian men are extremely ruthless in cheating, exploiting and robbing older single women especially if they have no support system. While the complaints of the domain investor who is ruthlessly cheated, exploited and robbed by well paid greedy government employees who HATE her are dismissed as spam, the case of Haryana BJP leader Sonali Phogat shows what happens to single women who make the mistake of trusting men.
Initially the death of haryana BJP leader Sonali Phogat was widely reported in the media as being a heart attack, and people wondered how she had a heart attack at a young age, despite being very fit. Later it appears that she was murdered by people who she trusted
While complete details of the relationship between Haryana BJP leader Sonali Phogat and her assistant, friend, sukhwinder and sudhir are not known, she trusted them to come to goa, and was also dancing with them in the cctv video. Yet now after the post mortem, allegedly her friend and assistant murdered her, taking advantage of their proximity, and that she trusted them,
When the domain investor was 40, she also made the mistake of trusting various frauds like gurugram haryana mba hr fraud raw employee ruchita kinge, bengaluru brahmin cheater raw employee nayanshre, wife of tata power employee guruprasad, greedy goan slander specialist siddhi mandrekar and others who are all betrayed her to get lucrative raw/cbi jobs and refused to reply to her after robbing everything from her, destroying her life, These fraud raw/cbi employees do not pay any money for domains, do not do any computer work, yet falsely claim to own this and other domains in the network to get a monthly government salary in a case of government SLAVERY, which the mainstream media which gets a lot of government advertising do not cover

Persecution of domain investor continues for exposing no work government jobs for relatives, friends of top officials in indian internet sector

in 2022,it is increasingly clear that the government agencies are extremely ruthless in destroying the life of hardworking skilled bhandari professionals, investors making fake allegations without any kind of proof, committing human rights on themt, denying them their fundamental rights while pampering and rewarding favorite lazy greedy goan bhandari shameless scammer sisters like priya, pooja, tejas and sunaina chodan with no work, no investment government jobs falsely claiming that these scammer sisters with no online income are online experts, domain investors
Like the humancontext post on reddit showed, all the communities like brahmins are united in helping hardworking, skilled citizens from their community, even if they are working at home, Only the bhandari community allegedly led by LIAR goan bhandari officials cheater chodankar, naik is extremely vicious in slandering, cheating, exploiting and robbing, hardworking skilled professsionals, investors like the goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer making 100% fake allegations without any proof so that the engineer is denied the income and opportunities she deserved, while 4 lazy greedy fraud relatives of corrupt cheater chodankar have got no work government jobs faking bank account, domain ownership
In 2012, the brahmin cheater sugar daddies of the lazy greedy goan bhandari shameless scammer sisters, puneet, j srinivasan ran a vicious defamation, slander campaign on the goa 1989 jee topper who they HATED, to falsely claim ownership of the domains, bank account and get his favorite goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan a raw job faking domain ownership, bank account. Ten years later it is clear that brahmin top government employees puneet, j srinivasan are pathological LIARS make fake allegations without any kind of proof, and despite the excellent salary which the indian government is paying them monthly, the shameless brahmin scammers are not interested in purchasing the domains legally, like their sugar babies lazy greedy goan bhandari shameless scammer sisters especially goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan
yet in a major FINANCIAL FRAUD Government agencies fail to answer why their favorite lazy greedy goan bhandari shameless scammer sisters do not open their own paypal, bank account LEGALLY, why they are falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of the hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor who they HATE, criminally defame using stolen data to get monthly government salaries at the expense of the domain investor
india claims that all citizens are equal, so it fails to answer why their their favorite lazy greedy goan bhandari shameless scammer sisters do not open their own paypal, bank account LEGALLY are allowed to falsely claim ownership of the bank account of the single woman bhandari engineer using stolen data, and get no work government jobs at her expense in a clear case of government SLAVERY, human rights abuses. Though the government SLAVERY is widely discussed on reddit, quora since 2016 and can be legally proved , the government agencies refuse to end their government SLAVERY,cybercrime racket so anyone who wishes to help india’s top victim of government SLAVERY can buy me a coffee,

Due to dishonest corrupt bhandari leaders/officials like cheater chodankar, only bhandari engineers subjected to horrific human rights abuses

there are many domain investors in india, women engineers with a good JEE rank, the government does not illegally steal their MEMORY, trade secrets t without a court order and share it with everyone causing great financial losses to the MEMORY ROBBERY VICTIM who effectively is a government slave since raw/cbi falsely claim that their lazy greedy fraud employees have the resume, savings, bank account and domains of the MEMORY ROBBERY victim to pay all these lazy greedy frauds monthly government salaries at the expense of the MEMORY ROBBERY victim
One of the reasons why only the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer has been subjected to the most horrific human rights abuses, FINANCIAL FRAUDs, MEMORY ROBBERY,allegedly by government employees from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay, allegedly puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh, vijay, google employee prakash and others without a legally valid is because the corrupt dishonest bhandari leaders/officials like cheater chodankar, naik refuse to defend the innocent bhandari engineers, like goa 1989 jee topper against the complete lies of the rich and powerful communities, instead are extremely vicious in criminally defaming the goa 1989 jee topper
In contrast brahmins, banias,dalits are very united in supporting engineers with good JEE rank, they are never falsely accused with legally valid proof and not subjected to human rights abuses, only bhandari engineers with good JEE rank are viciously slandered by the bhandari officials, leaders especially goan bhandari cheater chodankar, naik, who may be getting huge bribes from the rich and powerful communities for destroying the life of bhandari engineers with a good JEE rank.
So with no offiicial or leader to defend them against the CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of the rich and powerful, it is easy for cruel, cunning brahmin, bania officials to subject bhandari goa 1989 jee topper to MEMORY ROBBERY without a court order , fake computer work, bank account and get government salaries at the expense of the bhandari professional who becomes a government SLAVE, making very less money, despite working very long hours

Cunning cruel government employee puneet faked his relationship to illegally carry out the most horrific human rights abuses on his female engineering classmate

The goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer is and was a harmless private citizen who had not violated any law . Yet in one of the worst cases of human rights abuses in india,the extremely Cunning cruel government employee puneet faked his relationship to illegally carry out the most horrific human rights abuses on his female engineering classmate who he actually HATED for more than 10 years
Instead of being honest that he never interacted with his btech 1993 ee classmate and getting a court order if her wanted to subject the harmless single woman to his cruel experiments like MEMORY ROBBERY the animal like extremely cunning cruel puneet FAKEd his relationship with the single woman he HATED, falsely claiming that she had agreed when the COWARDLY cruel cunning cheater puneet had never contacted the single woman engineer
Indicating the worsening status of educated women in india, the government refuses to end the wastage of taxpayer money committing human rights abuses on a harmless private citizen

Indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata paying huge BRIBES to goan bhandari cheater chodankar, naik, to continue their HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES, CYBERCRIME on goa 1989 jee topper, a harmless single woman engineer

GREEDY CYBERCRIMINAL Indian tech and internet companies only ROBBING MEMORY of goa 1989 jee topper, a harmless single woman engineer, causing great financial losses, taking advantage of the dishonesty of obc/bhandari/dalit leaders/officials
MEMORY robbery causes great financial losses to the citizen who is targetted for illegal MEMORY ROBBERY by government agencies who do not have the honesty and humanity to get a court order since 2010, it is a form of human rights abuses
yet showing the rampant human rights ABUSES, lack of social justice in india, GREEDY CYBERCRIMINAL Indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata only ROBBING MEMORY of goa 1989 jee topper, a harmless single woman engineer, causing great financial losses, taking advantage of the dishonesty of obc/bhandari/dalit leaders/officials LIKE CHEATER chodankar, naik who are greedy shameless pathological LIARS who are getting huge BRIBES to continue with their CYBERCRIME, HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES ,memory ROBBERY
Due to the MEMORY ROBBERY, CYBERCRIME, HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES, GOVERNMENT SLAVERY of the goa 1989 jee topper,who had a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, the single woman engineer is making less than an illiterate caretaker despite working for 7-8 hours because the government is falsely claiming that the computer work is done by goan bhandari cheater chodankar’s relative call girl sunaina chodan who does not even have a computer at home, as part of the SEX TRADE Deal with top government employees like j srinivasan who are falsely claiming that goan bhandari sunaina chodan,( and others like bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree , 2005 bbm) a call girl was their btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay

Government agencies deny domain investor her fundamental rights, diverting her correspondence to greedy goan scammer siddhi mandrekar who HATES her

Ending correspondence theft by greedy goan scammer siddhi mandrekar is a major problem for the domain investor
In india, the correspondence of most citizens is not stolen by government agencies, only the goa 1989 jee topper, a harmless single woman engineer,domain investor finds that her correspondence is diverted and stolen by the greedy goan scammer siddhi mandrekar,who committed corporate espionage on her since 2013, without a legally valid reason, so that scammer siddhi can run an extortion racket, impersonate her and get a monthly government salary.
When the single woman engineer was in goa,scammer siddhi’s fraud relative mandrekar falsely labelled the single woman a security threat so that he could cheat,exploit and rob the hardworking single woman
There was never any connection between siddhi and the single woman engineer who siddhi hated, criminally defamed , and though the single woman engineer has left goa, the government agencies continue to divert the single woman engineers correspondence to goan scammer siddhi to isolate the single woman completely, deny her fundamental rights.
Ending correspondence theft by greedy goan scammer siddhi mandrekar is a major problem for the domain investor since it is difficult to find out who has ordered the correspondence theft and how to stop it.

Only bhandari professionals subjected to human rights abuses because there are no honest bhandari leaders, officials to defend them

The goa 1989 jee topper is a harmless single woman engineer, yet since 2010, she has been subjected to the most horrific human rights abuses,cybercrime allegedly by some of her btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay who have made her life a reality show without a legally valid reaso, denying her fundamental right to privacy. Compared to other domain investors like swetha venugala from hyderabad who has more than 20000 domains, the single woman engineer has invested in very few domains, yet swetha is not denied her privacy, only the single woman is closely monitored for more than 12 years, wasting crores of taxpaer money.
The only reason why the single woman engineer is denied privacy is because there are no honest bhandari leaders, officials to defend them against the fake allegations of the liar brahmin, bania officials, the government only believes dishonest bhandari leaders, officials like goan bhandari cheater chodankar, naik.

In the indian internet sector, domain investors with powerful enemies are denied their fundamental right to a living

In all other sectors, companies take great pride in offering good returns to the investors, offering them passive income for investing their hard earned money.
Only in the indian internet sector, domain investors with powerful enemies cannot make any money at all in india , with corrupt dishonest liar top officials and companies making up fake stories of cheating, poor quality work to criminally defame the domain investor
Yet when the same domain investor is being paid by customers outside india, the cunning fraud officials like shivalli brahmin scammers hathwar, kodancha, brahmin cheater j srinivasan, puneet, tushar parekh, are falsely labelling the domain investor, a security threat without any kind of proof, so that their lazy greedy fraud relatives and friends like bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, and other frauds with no online income, are getting monthly raw/cbi salaries for faking bank account online income
So when an older single woman domain investor invests her hard earned money in domains, the greedy shameless fraud indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata are ruthless in cheating, exploiting and robbing her to get a monthly raw salary for nayanshree, the lazy greedy wife of tata power employee guruprasad, stock trader amita patel and other lazy greedy frauds.

Single woman engineer denied her financial rights when government falsely claims that her domains belong to sindhi scammers and other frauds

One of the best indications of the worsening status of educated women in india, is the brazen financial,online fraud on them by government agencies who are taking huge bribes to make fake claims about scammer students, cheater housewives and other frauds who have never registered any domain in their life while criminally defaming, cheating and exploiting the real domain investor, a single woman engineer
In another of the endless frauds of the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay, the Government falsely claims that sindhi scammer nikhil premchandani, a fraud registered domains as a four year old to pay him a monthly government salary at the expense of a single woman engineer who has actually paid for and registered the domain, because the single woman is from the powerful bhandari community with dishonest leaders officials like cheater chodankar, naik
To cover up the domain ownership, financial fraud of the sindhi scammer student nikhil premchandani, his scammer brother karan, school dropout mother naina premchandani, helped by the fraud tushar parekh the scammer sindhi officials, leaders are criminally defaming the hardworking single woman engineer
It is an indication of the great power of the sindhi scammers that they can get away with all their frauds without being questioned and the government rewards them with a monthly salary , while hardworking bhandari professionals are ruthlessly cheated, exploited and robbed by the sindhis, gujjus, goans because the government only belives in dishonest greedy fraud bhandari/obc officials, leaders like the greedy goan bhandari scammers cheater chodankar, naik to keep the bhandari/obc community poor and backward

Due to dishonest bribe taking Bhandari leaders/officials like cheater chodankar, naik hardworking bhandari professionals denied their fundamental rights

Due to dishonest bribe taking Bhandari leaders/officials like cheater chodankar, naik hardworking bhandari professionals become victims of government SLAVERY and are denied their fundamental rights

In all other communities the officials and leaders will support hardworking professionals, business owners, no one will falsely claim to own the bank account of the business owner. Only in the bhandari/obc community, Due to dishonest bribe taking Bhandari leaders/officials like cheater chodankar, naik hardworking bhandari professionals become victims of government SLAVERY with frauds from rich and powerful community like gujju, sindhi, shivalli brahmin scammers falsely claiming to own the bank account, domains of a single woman bhandari engineer, domain investor to get monthly government salaries at the expense of the bhandari domain investor in a clear case of government SLAVERY
The bhandari officials, leaders do not have the honesty, humanity to ask the shivalli brahmin scammer nayanshree, gujju stock broker amita patel, sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, haryana scammer ruchika kinge, their scammer relatives sunaina chodan, piyu, purvi, teja to open their own paypal, bank account, purchase the domains legally, pay the annual renewal fees, and leave the hardworking single woman alone
Instead the dishonest liar bhandari/obc leaders and officials are ruthless in supporting frauds from rich and powerful communities especially sindhi scammers to fake ownership of the bank account, domains of the hardworking single woman since 2013 and allegedly getting BRIBES. To cover up the financial fraud, the bhandari officials, leaders are extremely vicious in criminally defaming the hardworking single woman domain investor, writer and engineer, to ruin her reputation completely, steal her correspondence, denying her the right to a fair living, a life of dignity and the right to privacy

Though dishonest bribe taking Bhandari leaders/officials like cheater chodankar, naik are aware that hardworking bhandari professionals are doing computer work, being pathological liars they intentionally defame them to ruin their reputation so that they can get massive bribes from rich frauds,allegedly gujjus,sindhis.