Human rights abuses of LIAR CORRUPT indian security agencies rewarding panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro results in high value domain sale

In all other sectors, the government and top companies will acknowledge the real investors, experienced professional only in the indian tech and internet sector, the top tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata, cognizant are falsely claiming that goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan married to a goan gsb photographer, the favorite call girl of top government employees especially from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay like j srinivasan, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, whose fraud father nayak, husband CHEATER caro work in security agencies and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not do any computer work, do not pay expenses are online experts, domain investors to give the greedy goan and other frauds great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor in a case of financial fraud, government SLAVERY

the SHAMELESS GREEDY FRAUD LIAR goans, sindhi, gujju, indori and other FRAUD raw/cbi employees do not want to pay expenses, do not want spend time doing computer work, instead the SHAMELESS GREEDY LIAR raw/cbi employees criminally defame the domain investor ,ROB her data to make FAKE CLAIMS about the greedy goan frauds riddhi, siddhi, sunaina ,sindhi, gujju, indore, gurugram , bengaluru frauds dt
Worldwide security agencies are supposed to be honest and reliable, only in india in several states they are openly involved in lies, and fraud making completely fake claims, about panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan who does not even have a computer at home ,panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband, CHEATER caro, other fraud raw/cbi employees based on the lies of top government employees from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay .
The indian government refuses to question the well paid powerful security agencies on their massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of the real domain investor which is obvious to intelligence and security agencies worldwide and continue to make fake claims about panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro and other fraud raw/cbi employees causing great losses to the real domain investor.
Even semi-literate workers are paid for the work which they do spending their time, only the top tech and internet companies especially in india are ruthless in their SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD of the single woman engineer, taking advantage of the fact that she was a marathi speaking migrant from north karnataka without anyone to help or defend her against the human rights abuses of her btech 1993 classmates from iit bombay and other government agencies.
The inhuman practice of LIAR CORRUPT indian security agencies rewarding panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro using robbed data, results in high value domain sale of a for $6700
The indian government agencies continue to falsely claim that their lazy greedy fraud employees who do not pay expenses, own this and other domains of a private citizen who is criminally defamed, denied a life of dignity to cover up the SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD

tech and internet companies extremely ruthless in their human rights abuses on whistleblowers

In most industry sectors, experienced professionals are making more money and are treated with respect. Only in the indian internet sector, some experienced webmasters, domain investors are victims of government SLAVERY, financial fraud, human rights abuses for more than 14 years. After robbing the resume, data, correspondence of the single woman engineer, domain investor, for 14 years to become rich and powerful, there is nothing left to rob.
So to silence the single woman engineer who is complaining about the slavery, financial fraud, the tech, internet companies have further increased their human rights abuses on the single woman engineer, using the most sophisticated torture technology available.
The new torture equipment causes great mental confusion, memory loss, and insomnia in addition to damaging the cells of the body causing great pain. The pain disappears when the victim moves away from the location where the torture equipment is installed, indicating that there is no internal problem in the body.The mainstream media refuses to cover the use of wireless torture equipment on harmless citizens.

To cover up his lazy greedy wife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro endless frauds, security agency employee CRUEL CHEATER caro extremely ruthless in human rights abuses

To cover up his lazy greedy wife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro endless frauds, panaji gsb CRUEL cunning security agency employee CHEATER caro extremely ruthless in his human rights abuses
One of the most DISHONEST GREEDY FRAUD government employees in india are the panaji CHEATER couple gsb CRUEL cunning security agency employee CHEATER caro and his lazy greedy wife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro who has not studied engineering yet is getting great powers, monthly government salary for FAKING her resume, including btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay, savings, online income and investment since 2012, at the expense of the marathi speaking single woman engineer from north karnataka who actually studied for a btech 1993 ee degree.
Though panaji gsb CRUEL cunning security agency employee CHEATER caro and his wife are well paid government employees there is no end to their greed and they want to rob everything from the hardworking single woman engineer who they hate, criminally defame, taking advantage of the fact that she is a migrant without anyone who can help or defend her
Though she is getting a very good monthly government salary for faking a btech 1993 ee degree, domain ownership, panaji’s top fraud goan gsb housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro does not want to spend a small amount of money and legally purchase the domains, pay the renewal expenses.
Instead shameless greedy goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro relies on her extremely CRUEL DISHONEST husband CHEATER caro, to abuse his powers, falsely label the harmless single woman engineer as a security threat without any proof at all, to commit horrific human rights abuses on her regularly causing insomnia,robbing her data almost daily, adversely affecting her health and productivity so that he can make fake claims about his lazy greedy wife ROBBER riddhi who is only COOKING, CLEANING for cheater caro, yet fakes computer work using ROBBED data

After his massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY since 2010 was exposed, cruel cunning cheater top government employee puneet commits human rights abuses daily

The powerful cruel cunning cheater top government employee puneet hated his female btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay , so to destroy her life completely he FAKED help to commit FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY , robbing her data to make fake claims about his lazy greedy liar girlfriends, associates getting them lucrative no work, no investment jobs in the indian internet sector at the expense of his female classmate.
While initially the gullible single woman engineer believed all the fake rumors, it is now clear that the cruel cunning cheater top government employee puneet HATED the single woman and wanted to destroy her reputation, health completely, so he faked help only misuse her name, cheat, exploit, rob her to the maximum extent possible.
After the single woman has wasted a lot of time exposing the financial fraud, government SLAVERY, finally a few people are realizing that powerful puneet is a very cunning cheater and he never helped the single woman at all. It appears that the cruel cunning cheater top government employee puneet is very upset that his extremely lucrative government SLAVERY racket is exposed and he is causing insomnia to the single woman engineer daily, not allowing her to sleep at night using the latest torture equipment to destroy her health.
Anyone who can help end the human rights abuses of cruel cunning cheater top government employee puneet , please contact at

Human rights abuses force migrant online workers, investors to relocate

Migrants, especially those who are single and living alone are subjected to horrific human rights abuses including radiation torture and brain wave reading without a legally valid reason or court order. It is almost impossible for a powerless migrant to end the atrocities of the well paid CRUEL CUNNING ROBBER government employees especially allegedly from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay who are ruthlessly ROBBING the memory of their harmless female classmate since 2010 without a court order or legally valid reason to get their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends and associates especially greedy goan CALL GIRLS siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro whose husband CHEATER caro works in security agencies, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, no work, no investment government government jobs in the indian internet sector.

Usually the government agencies are getting a court order for narcoanalysis of prisoners, yet in case of the single woman engineer, the LIAR CRUEL top government employees refuse to get a court order, instead they are making up FAKE stories of help when they actually HATE the harmless single woman

In most states, the government agencies are helping the residents from the state, only in case of marathi speaking professionals from north karnataka like the goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer, the government agencies have not helped her till date while cruel cheater ROBBER well paid top government employees ROB all her data to get no work, no investment government jobs for their lazy greedy girlfriends like greedy goan CALL GIRLS siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro whose husband CHEATER caro works in security agencies, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree at the expense of the single woman engineer.

Human rights abuses, criminal defamation continues wherever the domain investor goes

Though the tech and internet companies are making millions of dollars in profit they are extremely ruthless in their criminal defamation, human rights abuses on a single woman engineer, domain investor to cover up their massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY on her since 2010
To avoid paying goan CALL GIRLS and other government employees bribes from their million dollar profits,the tech, internet companies criminally defamed the hardworking single woman, robbed all her data and got no work no investment government jobs in the internet sector at her expense.
The financial fraud , slavery is very lucrative, the banking fraudster raw/cbi employees are making plenty of money,greedy gujju stock trader amita patel has a net worth of Rs 100 crore, haryana cheater ruchita kinge leads a lavish lifestyle taking holidays costing Rs 1 lakh every month, indore cheater deepika/veena also has plenty of money.
Goan bhandari raw employee cheater sunaina chodan has never done any computer work like the other goan frauds,bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree yet internet companies are making fake claims to give the panaji call girl sunaina great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman
So the domain investor is tortured everywhere, causing insomnia at night, the favorite torture method of powerful top government employees who hate her and run the massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY on her since 2010

Fake rumors , fake help used to commit the most horrific human rights on single woman engineer since 2010, without legally valid reason

One of the most horrific human rights abuses cases in india which the cowardly indian mainstream media refuses to cover, is how Fake rumors , fake help used to commit the most horrific human rights on single woman engineer since 2010, without legally valid reason and get no work, no investment government jobs for 10-15 lazy greedy fraud relatives and friends of the cunning cruel cheater top indian government employees who hate the single woman engineer.

The CRUEL CUNNING CHEATER brahmin top indian government employee puneet, j srinivasan from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay, hated the single woman engineer, domain investor,their female classmate, so to destroy her life, they have subjected her to non-consensual human experimentation using the latest wireless radiation torture, for brainwave reading, so that they rob all her data, and get no work, no investment government jobs for their real lazy greedy girlfriends and career help for themselves from the powerful relatives of their real girlfriends
Usually when brainwave reading technology is used on prisoners,the government agencies are getting a court order, yet being extremely CRUEL CUNNING CHEATERS the liar top government employees puneet, j srinivasan from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay do not want to get a court order for ROBBING the memory of their female btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay since they will find it difficult to justify the MEMORY ROBBERY of a harmless private citizen in court.
So though these cowardly CRUEL CHEATER ROBBER top government employees do not have the honesty and humanity to contact the single woman engineer for the last 14 years, they are falsely claiming that ROBBING her memory, data is helping her to continue their human rights abuses on her and get all their lazy greedy real girlfriends like panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree monthly government salaries at her expense, falsely claiming that these frauds are online experts, domain investors

When in all other sectors businesses will pay their workers for the time they spend working, why is the indian internet sector alone REFUSING to acknowledge the online worker, investor, spending her time and money online and making fake claims about panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, gurugram cheater ruchita kinge, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any time and money.

The domains are always available for sale at the market price, yet the domain fraudster raw/cbi employees have refused to purchase them paying the market price, though the raw/cbi employees are extremely wealthy with amita patel having a networth of Rs 100 crores or more, ruchita kinge having lavish Rs 1 lakh holidays every month.

Horrific human rights abuses, financial fraud , dishonesty adversely affecting growth of tech sector

One of the reasons why there is less growth in the tech sector, is because top tech, internet companies are extremel dishonest openly involved in cybercrime, horrific human rights abuses and financial fraud , especially on online workers, investors
This article is being written because the domain investor was tortured using radiation weapons again to cause great pain and insomnia. In all other sectors, the companies have the honesty and humanity to acknowledge the workers, investors spending their time and money.
Only in the indian tech and internet sector, top officials, leaders, officials are the most CRUEL DISHONEST LIARS , CHEATERS refusing to acknowledge the online worker, investor spending their time and money since 2010.

Instead these extremely CRUEL CUNNING CYBERCRIMINAL CHEATER officials/leaders are using the latest hacking equipment to hack the computer gadgets of the online worker, investor, CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the harmless online worker, investor and then falsely claiming that the work is done by their favorite fraud housewife like indore cheater deepika/veena, goan call girl panaji goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, or other fraud like stock trader amita patel, fraud accenture employee short slim married architect telugu trisha who does not spend any time doing computer work.

In addition to refusing to acknowledge the online worker,investor, the latest wireless torture technology is being used to cause great pain even while sleeping, forcing the online worker, to work at night.

Now radiation weapons used to torture harmless citizens while sleeping

Though the domain, banking fraudster raw/cbi employees, tech and internet companies are extremely wealthy, they do not have the honesty and humanity to legally purchase domains from the harmless single woman engineer, domain investor who is paying all the expenses.

Instead they criminally defame her, torture her using the latest radiation weapons, wireless torture technology available and then continue with their domain ownership fraud to get a monthly government salary, great powers.
Though the cheater raw/cbi employees refuse to legally purchase the domains, do not pay expenses, being extremely greedy shameless cheaters, liars, they falsely claim to own the domains of a private citizen, and are blocking all domain sales with their fake rumors,duping people, companies and countries worldwide.
Only the domain registrar is aware that raw/cbi employees are not paying expenses, and some domains are being sold at the domain marketplace. It appears that indore cheater raw employee deepika/veena, haryana gurugram fraud mba ruchita kinge are expecting to get all the domains from the domain investor who is making great losses and has lowered the prices of the and other domains to a great extent to cover her expenses.
Finally one domain was sold, and it appears that raw/cbi employees were extremely furious. If they use radiation to torture the domain investor when she is awake, she will detect the pain and move away immediately. So now the extremely cruel cunning cheater government employees have decided to attack her when she is fast asleep. On 13 January 2024, when the domain investor was fast asleep, she was attacked using radiation weapons causing a very severe headache which continues even 12 hours after the radiation attack.

The radiation attack causes damage to the brain cells, adversely affecting memory, cognitive ability, making it difficult to do housekeeping and other work the next day. So before commenting on the condition of the single woman engineer’s house, the tech, internet companies should think of the horrific human rights abuses which are inflicted on her by the extremely CRUEL CUNNING cheater indian government employees faking domain ownership, online income

experienced webmasters subjected to the most horrific human rights abuses in india

One of the reasons why cybercrime levels in india are very high is because experienced webmasters are subjected to most horrific human rights after the corrupt liar indian government agencies criminally defame them without any legally valid reason for more than 14 years since 2010.

Then based on the lies of CUNNING CRUEL LIAR top government employees especially from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay , tech and internet companies. the government agencies especially security, intelligence agencies are falsely claiming that goan CALL GIRLS siddhi, sunaina,, sindhi school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil, gujju stock trader amita patel, haryana fraud mba ruchita kinge, indore cheater housewife deepika/veena, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree , california architect kalpana nayak and other fraud raw/cbi employees are not associated with the website in any way, since they do not pay expenses, and do not do any computer work at all, do not have any online income, are online experts, domain investors after ROBBING the data of the real domain investor , to give all these frauds great powers, monthly government salaries

It can be legally proved that indore cheater housewife deepika/veena, goan CALL GIRLS siddhi, sunaina,, sindhi school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil, gujju stock trader amita patel, haryana fraud mba ruchita kinge and others have never paid for domains, expenses like their powerful cheater boyfriends, yet government CYBERCRIME, FINANCIAL FRAUD levels are extremely high, so the government refuses to take action against ONLINE FRAUDSTERS, instead rewarding them with monthly salaries and DUPING countries, companies and people worldwide with fake stories about the top BANKING, ONLINE FRAUDSTER government employees