Compared to most other countries the united states has a very strong civil rights movement. Citizens who are denied their fundamental rights or are subjected to human rights abuses can easily get lawyers who will fight for them and get compensation
Author: admin
NTRO hacks another webhosting company for exposing their human rights abuses, financial fraud
Instead of admitting that they are involved in a banking fraud making fake claims about the bank account of a private citizen, to get their girlfriends raw/cbi jobs, ntro employees led by j srinivasan, continue to hack the webhosting accounts of their victim, who is complaining loudly.
NTRO hacks another webhosting company for exposing their human rights abuses, financial fraud. The website is showing under construction forcing the customers to waste their time in moving the website to another webhost.
Goan bhandari officials extremely aggressive in their CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of harmless non-goan bhandari professionals
This is posted as a fraud alert so that people are aware that Goan bhandari officials, leaders like pritesh chodankar are extremely aggressive in their FINANCIAL FRAUD, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of non-goan bhandari professionals living in goa, especially panaji, goa
The non-goan bhandari professionals are harmless private citizens, who faced no problem in mumbai for 21 years, yet only when they live in goa, the SHAMELESS LIAR GREEDY goan bhandari officials like pritesh chodankar are falsely labelling them a security threat without any legally valid proof to torture, criminally defame, cheat, exploit them and rob their correspondence for ten years in a fraud supported by google, tata.
The goan bhandari women like goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, her sisters piyali, purvi, cousin teji, are not doing any computer at all, do not invest any money in domains, yet in a clear example of FINANCIAL FRAUD the LIAR SHAMELESS goan bhandari officials, leaders are duping people, companies and countries that the fraud goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, sister and cousins, with no online income, own the paypal, bank account of single woman bhandari domain investor from karwar/kumta who is spending 8-10 hours daily.
The goan bhandari officials, leaders have a tie up with the shivalli brahmin officials in karnataka so that the single woman bhandari domain investor from karwar/kumta does not get any help at all, only goan bhandari call girls like sunaina chodan, shivalli brahmin bengaluru cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, get monthly R&AW salary for falsely claiming to own the bank account , have the resume, savings of the single woman engineer with the help of BRAHMIN FRAUD ntro/raw employees like j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet, who HATE the engineer
This is posted as a fraud alert so that people are aware of the Goan bhandari officials, leaders especially pritesh chodankar, naik’s online, computer work fraud since 2010, and are not duped by their complete LIES
These goan bhandari officials do not represent the obc or bhandari community they only look after the goan bhandari community
Single woman domain investor wasting time and money fighting NTRO financial fraud, discrimination, to prevent denial of rights.
Why does goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, ntro’s pet panaji prostitute not falsely claim to own the domains, bank account of other male domain investors in india
In 2020, the ntro, raw, employees agree that the single woman domain investor owning this website is a stranger to them and they HATE her. Yet in a major FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD, the ntro employees led by brahmin j srinivasan falsely claim that goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, ntro’s pet panaji prostitute (like other raw/cbi employees) who does not spend any money on domains, falsely claims to own the domains, bank account of the single woman domain investor who she and the ntro employees HATE, are not on talking terms with
It is a clear case of discrimination, goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, ntro’s pet panaji prostitute does not falsely claim to own the domains, bank account of other male domain investors in india, Ntro employees led by j srinivasan only falsely claim that she owns the domains of a single woman domain investor because they HATE her, and have criminally defamed her in the worst manner since 2010 and want to destroy her life
Now the single woman domain investor, a private citizen is wasting a lot of her time and money, fighting for her rights, so that she is treated exactly the same as other male domain investors in India who do not find that raw/cbi employees especially call girls, fraud housewives are falsely claiming to own their domains
For more than ten years, indian and state government has treated single woman domain investor worse than maidservant
In india, the indian and state government will acknowledge the rights of the uneducated maidservants who are spending their time working for others, their right to receive payment for the work they do.
yet allegedly bribed by sundar pichai led google, tata , the indian and state government, especially goa, karnataka government, has treated single woman domain investor worse than maidservants, refusing to acknowledge the 8-10 hours of time she is spending doing computer work daily and repeating the lies of the ntro employees who are making up fake stories about their lazy greedy sugar babies like slim goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan ,robber riddhi nayak caro, sons of theirsex service providers like young gujju fraudsters karan, nikhil, who do no computer work for others
Instead the fraud liar indian and state governments are making up fake claims of computer work, with the help of fraud google, tata employees, who are hacking the laptops of harmless citizens working at home, so that they can falsely claim that the call girls like sunaina chodan, who they supply to ntro employees like j srinivasan for sex, are online experts, domain investors
When the domain investor is questioning the time fraud of the indian government, the sex addict ntro employees like parmar, parekh are criminally defaming the domain investor as a security threat
Advertise on a fundamental rights, legal rights, assistance related website
Advertise on a legal rights related website on the following topics
– denial of fundamental rights
– womans rights
– legal issues
– finding a lawyer
– legal help website
– indian penal code
– fake cases
– criminal defamation
Kindly note that ntro, raw, cbi employees and their associates like gujju school dropout naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons nikhil,karan, sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak caro, asmita patel, indore robber deepika, ruchika kinge are not associated with the website in any way since they do not pay any domain expenses at all, though the indian and state governments especially goa, madhya pradesh, karnataka government are making fake claims DUPING domain registries, registrars and ICANN in a major DOMAIN, FINANCIAL FRAUD for the last 10 years allegedly bribed by google, tata to increase the profit of these companies. These frauds are not on talking terms with the domain investor yet make fake claims
Theft of correspondence denial of fundamental right
In all states, the top security agency employees have wives and usually daughters also. There is no legally reason why the correspondence of a single woman professional is the state should be diverted to wife or daughter or relative of the security agency employee who then runs an extortion racket
In mumbai, the top security agency employes did not divert the correspondence of the domain investor to their wife or daughter for 21 years, why is the goa government doing so for 10 years, making it almost impossible to get any kind of help
On what basis is the indian, goan government denying the domain investor her fundamental rights, which all other citizens enjoy.
In mumbai also the domain investor had plenty of domains, she was allowed to live like a normal citizen, getting all her mail only in goa, all correspondence is diverted to shameless LAZY GREEDY cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak , goan call girls sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar without a legally valid reason.
Since the domain investor is denied her fundamental rights, she is complaining and the government should realize that robber raw/cbi employees riddhi siddhi, sunaina are at fault
5-6 indian state governments ROBBING trade secrets, valuable information from HARMLESS single woman domain investor for ten years using brain wave technology
In one of the worst cases of human rights abuses, ROBBERY, 5-6 state governments are illegally ROBBING trade secrets, valuable information from single woman domain investor for ten years using brain wave technology so that well connected CALL GIRL, ROBBER,CHEATER women can get raw/cbi jobs faking expertise. These fraud ROBBER state governments are officially claiming that the domain investor, a harmless citizen, is a security threat to justify their CRIME, yet no proof has been found for the last ten years.
Still the GREEDY FRAUD robber state governments of goa, karnataka, madhya pradesh, haryana, maharashtra do not want to stop the ROBBERY of the single woman engineer, because she is the goa 1989 jee topper, and a large number of companies are willing to pay for the ROBBED MEMORY since they do not want to pay her any salary, consultancy fee these ROBBER companies making millions in profit want the engineer to work like a slave and increase their profit with the ROBBED MEMORY
to cover up their MEMORY ROBBERY, these robber state governments are criminally defaming, TORTURING, harassing the single woman domain investor they are SHAMELESSLY ROBBING encouraged by sundar pichai led google, tata giving the false excuse of domain ownership which these ROBBER states can legally purchase
For more details of how ruthless ROBBER state governments in India are ROBBING a harmless single woman engineer, for ten years at information, expertise, women’s rights . Anyone who can end this state government robbery, please send email to
can the goan government, goan bhandari community explain why goan bhandari panaji prostitute R&AW employee sunaina chodan, does not get her own SBI credit card legally
There are millions of credit card holders in India, no one falsely claims to own the credit card of another citizen, who they HATE, and are not on talking terms with . Almost all citizens in india will apply for their credit card legally, and pay the bills themselves, they do not rely on google, tata PIMPS, her liar relative pritesh chodankar to make fake claims about credit card for the last 8 years and DUPE the indian,goan government
Only the domain investor,single woman engineer is HUMILIATED, DEFAMED by the indian and goan government which is falsely claiming that a slim goan bhandari panaji PROSTITUTE r&aw employee sunaina chodan, who does not pay any credit card bill, owns the credit card of a single woman engineer, who sunaina, her lovers, relatives like pritesh chodankar hate because google, tata PIMPS are promoting sunaina to get sunaina a monthly raw salary at the expense of the single woman engineer
can the goan government, goan bhandari community explain why goan bhandari panaji prostitute R&AW employee sunaina chodan, does not get her own SBI VISA credit card legally why she relies on powerful BRAHMIN officials like j srinivasan, having SEX with her, to dupe the indian, and goan government with his fake claims
BANKING, FINANCIAL FRAUD of ntro, R&AW,cbi on single woman domain investor shows the poor status of educated women in India
In a small town like panaji, goa having a monthly revenues of Rs 40000+ from advertising and writing while looking after a senior citizen is considered adequate, few jobs will pay more. The cost of a caretaker for a senior citizen is Rs 20-30000 monthly
Yet indicating the extreme HATRED & lack of honesty,humanity of the ntro/R&AW/cbi employees led by tushar parekh, they are denying the domain investor they HATE even the basic right to a life of dignity, making 100% FAKE CLAIMS about her bank, paypal account, credit card misleading, people, companies and countries with their LIES which can be legally proved checking the income tax returns of the raw/cbi employees
supported by the fraud companies google, tata and Led by mhow cheater puneet, tushar parekh, parmar, j srinivasan, SHAMELESS LIAR FRAUD ntro/R&AW employees are aware that their LAZYGREEDY fraud SEX SERVICE PROVIDER, ROBBER, CHEATER SUGAR BABIES, RELATIVES, and associates who they have got raw/cbi jobs like goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak caro, nayanshreee hathwar, naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh , her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, indore robber deepika, asmita patel, ruchika kinge, have no online income and no online investment
Yet indicating their lack of honesty, integrity, Led by mhow cheater puneet SHAMELESS LIAR FRAUD ntro/R&AW employees shameless in their BANKING,FINANCIAL FRAUD on single woman domain investor falsely claiming that their SEX SERVICE PROVIDER, ROBBER, CHEATER SUGAR BABIES, RELATIVES, and associates who have no online income, own the paypal, bank account, credit card of the domain investor to CRIMINALLY DEFAME the domain investor
Since the ntro, raw employees are government employees, the indian and state government especially the goan government blindly believes in their complete lies to waste taxpayer money on frauds, though it can be legally proved that the ntro employees are fraudsters and liars
This fraud forces the domain investor to protest loudly since she is denied a life of dignity and it is the well paid ntro/raw employees who are damaging the reputation of india with their financial fraud.
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