One of the reasons for economic crisis in india is the relentless torture of real exporters especially in panaji, goa with the security and intelligence agency employees FALSELY CLAIMING that the LAZY GREEDY LIAR goan PROSTITUTE RAW/cbi employees bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, school dropout gujju housewife naina chandan and other fraud raw/cbi with no online income are online exporters
The income tax returns filed in 2019, will again prove that the google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees have no paypal income, since there is related bank account listed in the income tax returns, yet the LIAR intelligence and security agency employees refuse to acknowledge the real exporter, criminally defaming her, not allowing her to sleep at night for many days td
Countries like Kenya are willing to acknowledge the fact that citizens are making money legally writing, however in panaji, goa the CORRUPT BRIBE TAKING security agency employees refuse to acknowledge the citizens who are actually doing the writing work, CRIMINALLY DEFAME them, and falsely claim that the sex service providers like naina, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, well connected frauds like riddhi nayak caro, nayanshree hathwar, who are not doing any writing work, own the paypal, bank account
In panaji, in addition to being subjected to crime repeatedly, the writers are not allowed to sleep at night, since the government refuses to acknowledge the writing skills of harmless hardworking citizens, and is making fake allegations without any proof at all.
The writer is unable to do much writing work the next day due to the torture of UNPATRIOTIC well paid government employees who do everything to destroy the indian economy.
Category: Uncategorized
Investing My Way to Financial Independence
Thanks to the money that I’ve gotten from investing in copper shares UK, I was able to finally purchase my own home. Before I bought the home, I was living with my parents. They were welcome to let me stay there as long as I needed to, and I was grateful for that, but I wanted to be out on my own like all of the other people my age. I didn’t have much income beyond some online work that I was doing. When I made my initial investment, it wasn’t a lot, just enough to be able to say that I made one. That investment gave me more than I thought I would get.
The payoff from that initial investment led to me making more investments, and I was able to see how the market would react and make more decisions accordingly. Eventually things had gotten to the point where I had more money than I would make in a year if I worked a normal job. My parents were proud of me for being able to use the market to my advantage, and wanted me to show them how they could do the same. I told them about the copper shares and they started putting their own money in.
I’m going to move into the home in a couple of days, and I’ve already been packing up my belongings. I have more items than I realize, and it’s taking a long time. My parents said that they would help me move all of my stuff into my new home. There’s a lot of boxes, so I hope they have the energy to help me carry all of them into the home. Meanwhile, they’ve been making some pretty big home additions with the money they’ve gotten from investing. The first was a new furniture set.
MBA hr R&AW employee ruchika king ruthlessly cheats, exploits older women and then falsely claims to be a womans rights activist
MBA hr R&AW employee ruchika king is a very dangerous fraud because she ruthlessly cheats, exploits older hardworking, harmless older women and then falsely claims to be a womans rights activist to get great powers
One of the reasons why there is less job growth is because the indian government blindly believes in the complete lies of shameless lazy greedy frauds like the haryana blackmailer R&AW employee mba hr ruchika king, nayanshree hathwar who do not want to do any work, do not work hard to acquire skills, shamelessly make false statements and falsely claim to own the bank account of harmless hardworking citizens, who they ruthlesssly criminally defame with the help of fraud companies like google, tata
The government also gives great powers to these lazy greedy fraudsters and liars.
bank details will legally prove that google, tata are fraud companies involved in criminally defaming hardworking indian paypal account holder and promoting ruthless greedy animals in human form like the haryana blackmailer R&AW employee mba hr ruchika kinger who falsely claims to be a woman’s right activist when actually she is far worse than most men, in exploiting and cheating hardworking harmless single woman
Now it appears that the PATHOLOGICAL LIAR haryana blackmailer R&AW employee mba hr ruchika kinger is now making fake claims about another young fraudster from dehradun, who was wearing a maroon tshirt with a pocket, and jean culottes, who is working in a house on the seventh floor in the building in st inez, panaji
The fraudster haryana blackmailer R&AW employee mba hr ruchika kinger is aware of the fact that the tshirt wearing maidservant is not doing any computer work, yet along with google, tata, the fraud ruchika is involved in a maidservant fraud, falsely claiming that the tshirt wearing servant, who has no writing skills is owning the iwriter and bank account of a single woman engineer, who ruchika hates, to criminally defame the hardworking engineer
Bank details will legally prove that mba hr ruchika king is a ruthless liar, cheater, making fake claims about the maidservants, housewives and other lazy greedy frauds like maroon tshirt wearing servant from dehradun, yet it is an indication of the widespread rot in indian society and government that no one questions the liar ruchika king why she is making false statements and defaming the engineer.
This is posted as a fraud alert, so that people do not blindly believe in the lies of haryana blackmailer R&AW employee mba hr ruchika kinger and ask for bank details as proof of writing
Indian government involved in financial fraud on female domain investors, who are denied the right to equality
Female indian domain investors openly discriminated against in India, denied the right to equality
The recent TCS code robbery case in the United states is the tip of the iceberg, an indication of the rampant BANKING, FINANCIAL FRAUD, ROBBERY, CHEATING AND HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES in the indian internet and IT sector, indicating the LACK OF ETHICS of the most powerful intelligence and security agency employees in India. The fraud has continued since 2010 and the cowardly indian mainstream media refuse to cover the fraud, and the indian government is openly violating international laws, especially the right to equality.
Worldwide, a person is considered to be a domain investor only if they are investing their money in domain names,paying the annual expenses, yet in a clear case of discrimination, NTRO, raw, cbi, central indian and state governments especially goan government falsely claim that lazy greedy goan call girls slim sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, cheater housewives riddhi nayak, nayanshree hathwar, asmita patel, robbers like veena, school dropouts like fair skinned naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil and other lazy greedy google sponsored lazy fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money online, own the domains of a private citizen, to pay all these frauds a monthly government salary
The indian government is repeating the lies of the shameless section 420 FRAUD LIAR BRAHMIN NTRO employees led by the mhow cheater puneet,j srinivasan, parmar, parekh, patel, vijay who falsely claim to know the domain investor very well, when they have not contacted at all in the last 25 years, and are unlikely to contact her in future also. The domain investor does not have their contact number, and does not even remember the faces of most of these fraud ntro employees who have stolen her identity to get their favorite sex service providers, girlfriends and relatives raw/cbi jobs, yet the indian government blindly believes their lies
The google masterminded financial fraud started in 2010, and 9 years later the fraud ntro, raw/cbi employees faking domaing ownership have not purchased the domains legally, they have not sent a RFP, and are unlikely to purchase the domains. There are thousands of domain investors in India, they all legally own the domain names, yet in clear case of government fraud since 2010, raw/cbi employees refuse to purchase the domain names of the domain investor, yet get a monthly salary for faking domain ownership
Additionally like the code robber TCS employees the robber raw/cbi employees like riddhi caro, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan and their associates are also ROBBING all the correspondence of the domain investor causing great losses without a legally valid reason. The domain investor is spending a lot of her time and money writing to pay the domain, internet expenses, yet in a clear case of criminal defamation, the fraud raw/cbi/ntro employees are making fake allegations without any proof against the domain investor, and then falsely claiming to own the domains of a private citizen
Goa government denies educated women their rights, defaming them, falsely giving LAZY LIAR gujju fraudsters nikhil, karan, credit, salary for work they do not do
India is one of the worst countries of educated women, with the percentage of women in the workforce declining according the statistics of the International Labor Organization (ILO), because allegedly bribed by fraud companies like google, tata, the indian and state government especially goan government refuses to acknowledge the work done by hardworking educated women and falsely claims that their bank account belongs to the lazy greedy sons nikhil,karan of gujju sex service provider cbi employee school dropout housewife naina chandan, because top ntro employees like parmar, parekh, nikhil sha are addicted to naina’s sex services
goa is the worst state in india for educated women engineers with the goan government refusing to acknoweledge the work done by educated hardworking women and falsely giving credit, a monthly cbi salary to the google, tata sponsored lazy greedy young gujju fraudsters nikhil, karan, whose school dropout mother cbi employee gujju sex service provider naina chandan, who looks like sneha wagh like raw employees sunaina, siddhi has regular SEX with top ntro, raw, cbi, security agency employees
bank details will legally prove that the google, tata sponsored lazy greedy young gujju fraudsters nikhil, karan, whose school dropout mother cbi employee gujju sex service provider naina chandan, who looks like sneha wagh like raw employees sunaina, siddhi do not invest any money online and also do not have any online income at all,.yet the top goan intelligence and security agency employees are some of the greatest LIARS AND FRAUDS in the world, making completely fake claims to get sex service providers like naina, her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan, who do no work at all, credit and a monthly salary at the expense of the real paypal account holder
Supported by fraud companies like google, tata, these gujju and goan fraudsters have continued with their fraud for more than 9 years. Any help to end the fraud of shameless LIAR ntro, raw, cbi, tata, google employees will be greatly appreciated
panaji cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak steals correspondence denies engineer her rights
The goan government claims that it wishes to attract investment to the state, yet it refuses to take action against their ROBBER employees like the google, tata sponsored lazy greedy goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak, who looks like actress kangana ranaut, who has been robbing the correspondence of the domain investor for more than 7 years without a legally valid reason
The cunning fraud mhow cheater puneet defamed the domain investor in the worst possible manner for more than 8 years since 2010, making completely fake allegations without any legally valid proof, refused to provide any kind of information to the domain investor, so that he could cheat and exploit the domain investor to the maximum extent possible and ROB her correspondence.
In 2019, it is clear that the mhow cheater puneet hates the domain investor, all his allegations were FAKE , yet he and his fraud associates like google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak continue to ROB the domain investor without a legally valid reason , deny the domain investor her fundamental right to equality, the right to receive her correspondence which all indian citizens have
India has a population of 1. 3 billion, many domain investors, yet raw/cbi employees do not steal the correspondence of all people, and the domain investor., Yet in a massive fraud of the indian and state government, the faking help, fraud security and intelligence agency employees are ROBBING CORRESPONDENCE of the domain investor without a legally valid reason since 2010, causing great losses
The cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak makes it difficult to lead a normal life, the domain investor had hired the services of a detective, who sent a SIM card to the domain investor for getting information, however panaji cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi robbed the sim card sent by courier, and all the money paid to the detective was wasted,
Any way to end the ROBBERY of goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak, who is addicted to robbing the correspondence of the domain investor will be appreciated
R&AW,cbi, ntro violating international laws making fake claims of gujju sex service provider cbi employee son karan,nikhil
Kindly note that top R&AW employees making fake claims about young gujju fraudster karan, don bosco alumni, son of gujju sex service provider cbi employee school dropout housewife naina who looks like actress sneha wagh and has rosebud lips
The latest lie of the LIAR raw employees is that the young gujju fraudster who is not doing any computer work at all, and has zero online income, owns the domains, paypal, bank account, house of the domain investor, single woman engineer along with his fraud brother nikhil and family
He is usually spotted in a grey tshirt, to indicate raw support for the gujju fraudster
The engineer has been denied the income and opportunities she deserved because of this raw online fraud and would like to alert people that raw is making completely fake claims about the lazy greedy gujju fraudster karan, karan is only the son of the raw favorite sex service provider, he is not making any money online and not investing money online along with fraud mother and brother, shamelsss LAZY GREEDY LIARS,
The indian, goan government, ntro, raw, cbi, security agencies are clearly violating all international laws, like the vienna convention regarding when it is making fake claims about karan, nikhil, the sons of the top gujju sex service provider in goa school dropout cbi employee housewife naina who looks like actress sneha wagh.
R&AW should be honest that these gujju frauds are only sons of sex service provider cbi employee , they have no online income at all, however raw, ntro, cbi are duping people and countries that these gujju frauds own domains including this one, is writing content and owns the paypal account of a private citizen.
All countries worldwide horrified at the MEMORY ROBBERY of ntro, indian, goan government
The goan media is reporting the news that the number of tourists in goa has reduced, however it does not have the honesty and humanity to report on the ruthless criminal MEMORY ROBBER goan government which is ROBBING the memory of a HARMLESS single woman engineer with btech 1993 ee degree without her permission, without any legally valid reason only to increase the profit of google, tata, get raw/cbi salaries for goan call girls, frauds falsely claiming to have her resume, savings, skills, work ethic
All countries are realizing the fraud of bengaluru cruel criminal robber director puneet who duped all countries that he had the permission of his btech 1993 ee classmate when bengaluru brahmin director, when he has never communicated with her at all
Fraud mhow cheater ROBBER director puneet a liar is ROBBING the memory of his btech 1993 ee classmate without her permission, without any legally valid reason at all falsely claiming to know her very well and falsely claiming that the stolen memory belongs to his robber, call girl and fraud girlfriends like veena , sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, naina, asmita patel , riddhi caro, ruchika and others to get all these frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of his btech 1993 ee classmate who is broke and working like a slave
The other countries are realizing that the director puneet is a cruel fraud and robber, so they are sending some work to the engineer whose memory is ROBBED by the goan government without any legally valid reason to give google, tata supplied goan call girls, school dropouts, cheater housewives and other frauds great powers and monthly salary .
The work is about how permission should be taken while accessing memory, ntro should end its fraud of falsely claiming that the engineer has given permission, hoping that the cruel fraud indian government will end its human rights abuse on the harmless single woman engineer.
Google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees have no right to make falsely claim ownership of paypal account of private citizen
The sundar pichai led google is extremely ruthless in defaming competitors to destroy them with Fraud raw/cbi employees and other well connected frauds falsely claim to own paypal acccount of google competitor to get a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the google competitor in a fraud greater than nigerian fraudsters. In a clear example of defamation, Goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee riddhi nayak falsely claims to own paypal account of google competitor when she has not opened it, cannot operate it
One of the greatest online, banking, paypal fraudsters in goa is the shameless google, tata sponsored lazy greedy Goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife riddhi nayak who looks actress kangana ranaut , who has no online income and no online investment (like the goan call girl R&AW employees bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree hathwar,veena and others) , yet is falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer, domain investor, google competitor to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the google competitor
The indian and goan government are blindly repeating the lies of section 420 fraud ntro employees led by vijay to justify the salary to the goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi, who falsely claim to know the engineer and google competitor very well, when it can be legally proved that they have not interacted with the engineer in her entire life just like riddhi nayak has never interacted with the engineer in her life, all these frauds are only misusing the name of the engineer,
So the ntro employees, riddhi nayak and her liar associates are clearly involved in a massive financial fraud, when Shameless google, tata sponsored lazy greedy Goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife riddhi nayak, falsely claims to own a bank account which she has not opened and cannot operate. The google competitor is spending time with a relative who is a senior citizen, to help him, she is not at her mailing address always, due to personal reasons, and the fraud companies, google, tata are using this to commit their banking, paypal fraud on the engineer since 2010, making fake claims that riddhi nayak and other frauds own the paypal, bank account.
Many people are not at their mailing address, no one shamelessly and falsely claims to own their bank, paypal account like panaji’s top extortionist riddhi nayak. The goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife riddhi nayak, is also helped by her shameless fraud liar husband caro, relatives nayak, mandrekar and other gsb fraud officials who are falsely labelling the google competitor a security threat without any proof at all, just because she has some savings. Like other citizens, the google competitor is free to use any mailing address for her bank account.
If these cowardly fraud shameless liar goan gsb and other officials have the courage to face the domain investor, google competitor regarding her savings she would tell them that her savings are far less than those of her ex colleagues. These fraud officials have no right to compare her savings with those of their lazy fraud relatives like riddhi nayak who have no engineering degree, no engineering or professional experience, and got married immediately after their studies.
In 2019, the security and intelligence agencies fraud of labelling citizens a security threat based on savings is exposed, Shameless google, tata sponsored lazy greedy Goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife riddhi nayak like other fraud raw/cbi employees should open their own paypal, bank account, and stop falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of the google competitor, just because she is not at her mailing address always , because she has to help a senior citizen.
Gujju traffic violators well protected, rewarded, only photos, videos of harmless single woman engineer circulated in panaji, goa
Another driver whose driving license should be confiscated at the earliest is the google, tata sponsored School dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina’s lazy fraud son bearded nikhil, don bosco commerce alumni who was spotted overspeeding near caculo mall and fire brigade, st inez, panaji, goa at around 4.55 pm on 10 january 2019.
CBI, ntro, raw, indian and goan government are falsely claiming that the school dropout naina, who looks like actress sneha wagh, who does not spend any money online, owns this website and other domains, to waste indian taxpayer money paying her a monthly salary at the expense of the real domain investor, a single woman engineer, who is broke
The red maruti vitara brezza L2233 was being driven at a speed well above the speed limit near fire brigade, government quarters as he was going either towards panaji, or taleigao.
The car was driven so fast that he could have easily injured or killed a person at the speed at which he was driving
It is time that the driving license of greedy lazy young gujju fraudster nikhil is confiscated for violating traffic rules and cbi ends its fraud of falsely claiming the young gujju fraudsters and his cheater mother naina, who have never invested any money online, own this and other websites to waste taxpayer money paying the gujju fraudster family a monthly government salary
Why are the lovers and sugar daddies of bearded gujju fraudster nikhil;s school dropout mother naina, the powerful fraud liar ntro employees puneet, parmar,parekh, not circulating photos, videos of the young lazy greed gujju fraudster nikhil violating traffic rules, overspeeding in panaji, goa on 10 january, 2019, while are they only circulating videos, and photos of the harmless single woman engineer owning this website, so that their school dropout premika naina, her sons, nikhil, karan, can get a cbi salary for falsely claiming domain, paypal, bank account ownership
Can the ntro employees explain their double standards in an open debate
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