Can Swapan Dasgupta, Indrajit Hazra explain why indian, state governments have COMMITTED HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES on the harmless goa 1989 JEE topper for ten years just like China

The death of actor sushant singh rajput, which is being incorrectly reported as suicide in the indian mainstream media , is only the tip of the endless BRAHMIN, BANIA atrocities on kshatriyas which the mainstream media in india is refusing to cover for the last ten years or more , mainly because kshatriya leaders and officials do not openly defend or support hardworking harmless competent kshatriya professionals against the defamation of the GREEDY CRUEL SHAMELESS pathological LIAR brahmin, bania officials

The indian internet news websites like,, thewire, quint, medianama, cover the news of scandals in other sectors like bollywood extensively, no one has the honesty and humanity to cover the endless scandals in the indian internet sector, especially the computer work, domain ownership FINANCIAL,ICANN FRAUD of raw/ntro employees wherein they falsely claim that their sex service providers like gujju school dropout naina chandan, relatives like nayanshree hathwar and associates, who do not spend any money on domains, do no computer work, have no online income, own the domains, bank , paypal account, credit cards, online account of a private citizen who the ntro/raw/cbi employees HATE
Harmless single woman domain investor is also subjected to human rights abuses, MEMORY ROBBERY for the last ten years without a legally valid reason, to ROB her trade secrets, identity, treating her worse than an arrested criminal . When arrested criminals are subjected to narcoanalysis the government is getting a court order, in case of the domain investor, the government has refused to get any court order, only ROBS her MEMORY , copy pastes it on the brains of raw/cbi employees, FALSELY CLAIMS that robbed memory belongs to them, to pay them monthly raw/cbi salaries for the last ten years
It is a clear case of human rights abuses , yet no one in the indian internet sector has the HUMANITY, HONESTY to ask the indian and 5 state governments in goa, karnataka, maharashtra, madhya pradesh, haryana why they are only targetting the single woman engineer for MEMORY ROBBERY for the last 10 years, why they are not getting a COURT ORDER for stealing the TRADE SECRETS of a harmless private citizen like they do for arrested criminals who are subjected to narcoanalysis
There are many domain investors in india with more domains, more expensive domains, why is only the single woman domain investor targetted for MEMORY ROBBERY, her life converted to a reality show for the last ten years
In a column in Sunday Times of india on 12 July 2020, the columnist Swapan Dasgupta, Indrajit Hazra has said that China steals technology from other countries, commits human rights abuses and it deserves all the bans. However Swapan Dasgupta, Indrajit Hazra like other intellectuals, celebrities conveniently forgets the HUMAN RIGHTS abuses of indian and state governments especially in goa, karnataka, maharashtra, madhya pradesh, haryana who allegedly bribed by google, tata, are ROBBING the TRADE SECRETS, MEMORY of harmless hardworking risk taking private citizens to increase the profit of google, tata
The endless human rights abuses on the harmless goa 1989 JEE topper for ten years by the indian and state government since 2010, is a clear example of how GREEDY DISHONEST, INHUMAN indian internet companies are ROBBING the trade secrets, memory of harmless hardworking private citizens especially engineers with a good JEE rank, causing them great losses, while helping large companies like google destroy competition completelely
The goa 1989 JEE topper, a harmless single woman engineer had a much higher JEE rank than google ceo sundar pichai, yet because of the non-stop MEMORY ROBBERY of her fraud brahmin male 1993 EE classmates from indias top engineering college working in raw/cbi like j srinivasan, mhow monster puneet, tushar parekh, vijay, the engineer is making almost nothing while her fraud male btech ee classmates are enjoying FREE SEX with google, tata supplied call girls, getting CAREER PROMOTIONS for ROBBING the TRADE SECRETS, MEMORY of their harmless btech ee classmate who they HATE
The indian mainstream media is always talking of china’s technology theft, human rights abuses what about the government ROBBERY, HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES of the harmless goa 1989 JEE topper for ten years without a legally valid reason

Help required to end TRADE SECRET ROBBERY by GREEDY LIAR FRAUD goan bhandari official pritesh chodankar

Goa 1989 JEE topper fights a lonely battle against Goa’s top security agency employees GREEDY LIAR ROBBER nayak,caro, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar RUTHLESSLY ROBBING her MEMORY to get their CALL GIRL, ROBBER relatives MONTHLY raw/cbi salaries

The death of actor sushant singh rajput, which is being incorrectly reported as suicide in the indian mainstream media , is only the tip of the endless BRAHMIN, BANIA atrocities on kshatriyas which the mainstream media in india is refusing to cover for the last ten years or more , mainly because kshatriya leaders and officials do not openly defend or support hardworking harmless competent kshatriya professionals against the defamation of the GREEDY CRUEL SHAMELESS pathological LIAR brahmin, bania officials
The indian internet news websites like,, thewire, quint, medianama, cover the news of scandals in other sectors like bollywood extensively, no one has the honesty and humanity to cover the endless scandals in the indian internet sector, especially the computer work, domain ownership FINANCIAL,ICANN FRAUD of raw/ntro employees wherein they falsely claim that their sex service providers like gujju school dropout naina chandan, relatives like nayanshree hathwar and associates, who do not spend any money on domains, do no computer work, have no online income, own the domains, bank , paypal account, credit cards, online account of a private citizen who the ntro/raw employees HATE
Harmless single woman domain investor is also subjected to human rights abuses, MEMORY ROBBERY for the last ten years without a legally valid reason, to ROB her trade secrets, identity, treating her worse than an arrested criminal . When arrested criminals are subjected to narcoanalysis the government is getting a court order, in case of the domain investor, the government has refused to get any court order, only ROBS her MEMORY , copy pastes it on the brains of raw/cbi employees, FALSELY CLAIMS that robbed memory belongs to them, to pay them monthly raw/cbi salaries for the last ten years

Though the ROBBER tech and internet companies like google, tata may persuade Goa’s GREEDY LIAR top security agency employees nayak,caro, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar that ROBBING MEMORY is their birthright, the ROBBERY victim would like to ask the ROBBER security agencies why she alone is subjected to MEMORY ROBBERY, why are they not ROBBING the MEMORY of other indian citizens, domain investors and women professionals. MEMORY ROBBERY leads to loss of trade secrets, privacy, which affect the quality of life, make it difficult to lead a normal life

It is an indication of the lack of humanity and honesty in the indian government and society that no one is questioning the security agency employees why they are only ROBBING the MEMORY of the single woman domain investor without a court order or legally valid reason, why other domain investors, professionals are not targetted for MEMORY ROBBERY. Specifically the domain investor would like to ask the GREEDY SHAMELESS ROBBER goan officials why they are not ROBBING, LIVE STREAMING the ROBBED MEMORY of their CALL GIRL, ROBBER relatives goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak caro who they have got raw/cbi jobs

CORRUPT Goa, karnataka government FALSELY LINKING identity of single woman engineer with overnight stay to deny her fundamental rights

The death of actor sushant singh rajput, which is being incorrectly reported as suicide in the indian mainstream media , is only the tip of the endless BRAHMIN, BANIA atrocities on kshatriyas which the mainstream media in india is refusing to cover for the last ten years or more , mainly because kshatriya leaders and officials do not openly defend or support hardworking harmless competent kshatriya professionals against the defamation of the GREEDY CRUEL SHAMELESS pathological LIAR brahmin, bania officials

The indian internet news websites like,, thewire, quint, medianama, cover the news of scandals in other sectors like bollywood extensively, no one has the honesty and humanity to cover the endless scandals in the indian internet sector, especially the computer work, domain ownership FINANCIAL,ICANN FRAUD of raw/ntro employees wherein they falsely claim that their sex service providers like gujju school dropout naina chandan, relatives like nayanshree hathwar and associates, who do not spend any money on domains, do no computer work, have no online income, own the domains, bank , paypal account of a private citizen who the ntro/raw employees HATE

In particular the FRAUD LIAR indian internet sector continues with its FINANCIAL, ICANN FRAUD making FAKE CLAIMS about panaji gujju school dropout sex quen naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, slim mallika sherawat look alike goan bhandari sunaina chodan, robber housewife riddhi nayak caro who looks like actress kangana ranaut, gujju stock broker asmita patel, nayanshree hathwar and other FRAUD RAW/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains, to get all these FRAUDS monthly raw salaries at the expense of the real domain investor.

The indian internet sector is aware that the security and intelligence agencies especially in goa are PATHOLOGICAL BRIBE TAKING LIARS making fake claims about their relatives like robber riddhi and other BRIBE GIVING FRAUDS like naina chandan, yet the indian internet sector repeats the LIES of these SHAMELESS GREEDY FRAUD liars to reward SEX SERVICE PROVIDERS, ROBBERS, CHEATERS and other FRAUDS

The identity of a person does not change if the person does not change if a person is not living overnight at a person’s mailing address, yet to cover up their BANKING, ICANN FRAUD since 2010, the goa security agencies continue with their FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD of falsely doing so so that their lazy greedy relatives like robber riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, slim hot pant wearing goan bhandari sunaina chodan, and bribe givers like naina chandan, who have no online income, get monthly raw/cbi salaries only for FAKING BANK account, domains.

In fact, there is a retired government employee with a house exactly opposite the domain investors house, and the house is empty for more than 6 months, yet the goa government does not falsely claim that the house, bank account belongs to some one else, only single women domain investors are openly targetted for FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD by the LIAR intelligence and security agencies

There are many people who are not living at their mailing address for personal and professional reason, only in goa, the security and intelligence employees are allowed to continue with their BANKING, ICANN fraud and no one in the indian internet sector has the honesty, humanity to ask the LIAR security agencies why they are FALSELY LINKING identity to living at mailing address ,

For all other citizens the permanent account number , PAN used for financial transactions, records remains the same, wherever the citizen lives, yet the goa, karnataka, indian and state governments continue their FINANCIAL FRAUD on the harmless goa 1989 jee topper of falsely linking the identity of a person with the place where she lives overnight to CRIMINALLY DEFAME her as uneducated, deny her fundamental rights, DISCRIMINATING against her

New radiation torture weapon causing ear pain used for human rights abuses in panaji, goa

The goa government health department is harassing harmless citizens, falsely accusing them of causing dengue yet it refuses to take action against the CRUEL animal like well paid security, ntro employees in panaji,goa, who are using new TORTURE METHOD using radiation weapons causing intense ear pain to harmless private citizens in their home.
Harmless hardworking citizens who are doing computer work at home are specifically targetted for the torture, human rights abuses in panaji, goa which causes intense pain.
The pain is so much that the person cannot do any work for a long time. Instead of wasting resources falsely accusing citizens of causing dengue, why does the goa health department not take any action against the well paid CRUEL animal like government employees torturing harmless citizens, causing great pain, making it difficult to work at home.

NTRO hacks another webhosting company for exposing their human rights abuses, financial fraud

Instead of admitting that they are involved in a banking fraud making fake claims about the bank account of a private citizen, to get their girlfriends raw/cbi jobs, ntro employees led by j srinivasan, continue to hack the webhosting accounts of their victim, who is complaining loudly.
NTRO hacks another webhosting company for exposing their human rights abuses, financial fraud. The website is showing under construction forcing the customers to waste their time in moving the website to another webhost.

Goan bhandari officials extremely aggressive in their CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of harmless non-goan bhandari professionals

This is posted as a fraud alert so that people are aware that Goan bhandari officials, leaders like pritesh chodankar are extremely aggressive in their FINANCIAL FRAUD, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of non-goan bhandari professionals living in goa, especially panaji, goa
The non-goan bhandari professionals are harmless private citizens, who faced no problem in mumbai for 21 years, yet only when they live in goa, the SHAMELESS LIAR GREEDY goan bhandari officials like pritesh chodankar are falsely labelling them a security threat without any legally valid proof to torture, criminally defame, cheat, exploit them and rob their correspondence for ten years in a fraud supported by google, tata.
The goan bhandari women like goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, her sisters piyali, purvi, cousin teji, are not doing any computer at all, do not invest any money in domains, yet in a clear example of FINANCIAL FRAUD the LIAR SHAMELESS goan bhandari officials, leaders are duping people, companies and countries that the fraud goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, sister and cousins, with no online income, own the paypal, bank account of single woman bhandari domain investor from karwar/kumta who is spending 8-10 hours daily.
The goan bhandari officials, leaders have a tie up with the shivalli brahmin officials in karnataka so that the single woman bhandari domain investor from karwar/kumta does not get any help at all, only goan bhandari call girls like sunaina chodan, shivalli brahmin bengaluru cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, get monthly R&AW salary for falsely claiming to own the bank account , have the resume, savings of the single woman engineer with the help of BRAHMIN FRAUD ntro/raw employees like j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet, who HATE the engineer
This is posted as a fraud alert so that people are aware of the Goan bhandari officials, leaders especially pritesh chodankar, naik’s online, computer work fraud since 2010, and are not duped by their complete LIES

These goan bhandari officials do not represent the obc or bhandari community they only look after the goan bhandari community

Single woman domain investor wasting time and money fighting NTRO financial fraud, discrimination, to prevent denial of rights.

Why does goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, ntro’s pet panaji prostitute not falsely claim to own the domains, bank account of other male domain investors in india
In 2020, the ntro, raw, employees agree that the single woman domain investor owning this website is a stranger to them and they HATE her. Yet in a major FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD, the ntro employees led by brahmin j srinivasan falsely claim that goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, ntro’s pet panaji prostitute (like other raw/cbi employees) who does not spend any money on domains, falsely claims to own the domains, bank account of the single woman domain investor who she and the ntro employees HATE, are not on talking terms with
It is a clear case of discrimination, goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, ntro’s pet panaji prostitute does not falsely claim to own the domains, bank account of other male domain investors in india, Ntro employees led by j srinivasan only falsely claim that she owns the domains of a single woman domain investor because they HATE her, and have criminally defamed her in the worst manner since 2010 and want to destroy her life
Now the single woman domain investor, a private citizen is wasting a lot of her time and money, fighting for her rights, so that she is treated exactly the same as other male domain investors in India who do not find that raw/cbi employees especially call girls, fraud housewives are falsely claiming to own their domains

For more than ten years, indian and state government has treated single woman domain investor worse than maidservant

In india, the indian and state government will acknowledge the rights of the uneducated maidservants who are spending their time working for others, their right to receive payment for the work they do.
yet allegedly bribed by sundar pichai led google, tata , the indian and state government, especially goa, karnataka government, has treated single woman domain investor worse than maidservants, refusing to acknowledge the 8-10 hours of time she is spending doing computer work daily and repeating the lies of the ntro employees who are making up fake stories about their lazy greedy sugar babies like slim goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan ,robber riddhi nayak caro, sons of theirsex service providers like young gujju fraudsters karan, nikhil, who do no computer work for others
Instead the fraud liar indian and state governments are making up fake claims of computer work, with the help of fraud google, tata employees, who are hacking the laptops of harmless citizens working at home, so that they can falsely claim that the call girls like sunaina chodan, who they supply to ntro employees like j srinivasan for sex, are online experts, domain investors
When the domain investor is questioning the time fraud of the indian government, the sex addict ntro employees like parmar, parekh are criminally defaming the domain investor as a security threat

Advertise on a fundamental rights, legal rights, assistance related website

Advertise on a legal rights related website on the following topics
– denial of fundamental rights
– womans rights
– legal issues
– finding a lawyer
– legal help website
– indian penal code
– fake cases
– criminal defamation

Kindly note that ntro, raw, cbi employees and their associates like gujju school dropout naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons nikhil,karan, sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak caro, asmita patel, indore robber deepika, ruchika kinge are not associated with the website in any way since they do not pay any domain expenses at all, though the indian and state governments especially goa, madhya pradesh, karnataka government are making fake claims DUPING domain registries, registrars and ICANN in a major DOMAIN, FINANCIAL FRAUD for the last 10 years allegedly bribed by google, tata to increase the profit of these companies. These frauds are not on talking terms with the domain investor yet make fake claims

Theft of correspondence denial of fundamental right

In all states, the top security agency employees have wives and usually daughters also. There is no legally reason why the correspondence of a single woman professional is the state should be diverted to wife or daughter or relative of the security agency employee who then runs an extortion racket
In mumbai, the top security agency employes did not divert the correspondence of the domain investor to their wife or daughter for 21 years, why is the goa government doing so for 10 years, making it almost impossible to get any kind of help
On what basis is the indian, goan government denying the domain investor her fundamental rights, which all other citizens enjoy.
In mumbai also the domain investor had plenty of domains, she was allowed to live like a normal citizen, getting all her mail only in goa, all correspondence is diverted to shameless LAZY GREEDY cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak , goan call girls sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar without a legally valid reason.
Since the domain investor is denied her fundamental rights, she is complaining and the government should realize that robber raw/cbi employees riddhi siddhi, sunaina are at fault