Google, tata’s MEMORY SLAVES in India have no financial rights, no right to privacy

Before the civil war in the United States, many businesses owned slaves who were not paid a salary and did not have any rights at all, increasing their profit. In the civil war in the united states, Abrahman Lincoln defeated the southern states and abolished slavery so that slaves could earn a living and had their rights, and is highly regarded in the United states

However under the sundar pichai led google, SLAVERY has been revived in the united states, the only difference is that instead of african slaves in the pre civil war era, now google is purchasing MEMORY SLAVES from India with the help of cunning cruel fraud BRAHMIN SLAVE TRADERS like the mhow cheater ntro employee puneet, director of a domlur, bengaluru company, j srinivasan, parmar, patel,vijay who are stealing the memory of harmless indian citizens, without a legally valid reason and without offering any kind of compensation to the memory theft victim.

One of the most prized MEMORY SLAVE of google, tata, is a harmless single woman bhandari engineer, who had a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, google competitor , who the cruel fraud mhow cheater ntro employee puneet sold to google, tata in 2010, after faking his relationship with the google competitor, his btech 1993 ee classmate, falsely claiming to know her very well and help her, when actually he hated her.

After he had finetuned the MEMORY ROBBERY PROCESS and stolen the identity of the google competitor, for his girlfriends like nayanshree hathwar, siddhi mandrekar, asmita patel, ruchika, veena, deepika to get them R&AW jobs and encouraged others like j srinivasan, parmar, patel, vijay to do so to get their girlfriends raw/cbi jobs, the cruel fraud puneet honestly admitted that he had no connection with the google competitor who he had ruthlesly tortured and exploited

However the ntro employees are so addicted to stealing the memory of the google competitor, engineer, that they steal the memory daily, causing insomnia , financial losses to the google competitor who finds that they are sabotaging everything she does. Just like the slaves in pre civil war United States, the google competitor, experienced engineer, has no rights at all, and greedy ROBBER NTRO employees are stealing her memory daily

NTRO memory slaves should be added in the list of indian slaves by ILO, Walk Free Foundation

The indian government was protesting against the report of ILO, walk free foundation which said that India had the largest number of slaves in the modern world. Despite officially being a democracy which claims that all indian citizens are equal, have equal rights, India has a larger number of slaves than China, which does not claim to be a democracy and has a larger population than India

The large number of slaves in India, is largely due to the government policy of making harmless hardworking indian citizens slaves, selling them to large greedy corporates like google, tata, which do not wish to pay salaries , business expenses, yet wish to get access to the expertise of small business owners for free, bribing ntro employees to steal their memory without a legally valid reason, without offering any kind of compensation to the memory theft victim.

The domain investor owning this website has been made a NTRO memory slave since 2010, with ntro employees stealing her memory regularly using sophisticated brain wave reading equipment. One of the worst aspects of slavery online in India , is how the NTRO slave is doing all the work, spending all the money online, yet NTRO, indian and goan government is refusing to acknowledge her time and investment, falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored goan prostitutes, school dropouts, cheater housewives and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any time and money online, own this and other websites of the domain investor to pay them a monthly government salary at the expense of the person who is actually doing the work and getting nothing, because she is an online slave.

It is time that the Walk Free foundation, ILO adds the domain investor, online slaves to millions of indian slaves, in their next report, because government agencies like ntro are openly involved in making indian citizens slaves, falsely claiming that the relatives and friends of top government employees get credit, salaries for work they do not do. When NTRO is openly involved in slavery online, why is the indian government protesting against the ILO report tha India has the highest number of slaves?

Indian government worse than Nazi germany in human right abuses on harmless citizens

India officially claims to be a democracy yet bribed by greedy fraud companies like google,tata who are too miserly to pay salaries and business expenses, in 2018 the indian government is far worse than Nazi germany in the endless human rights abuses on harmless indian citizens.
Bribed with money, career help and SEX, the fraud ntro employees led by the mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, parmar, vijay are regularly stealing the memory of their harmless btech 1993 ee classmate, a single woman engineer with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, google competitor without a legally valid reason, without offering any compensation, causing great financial losses

The fraud ntro employees then falsely claiming that the stolen memory belongs to their girlfriends, relatives, google, tata supplied goan prostitute bhandari sunaina chodan, gsb fraud siddhi mandrekar, housewife veena, nayanshree hathwar , naina , riddhi nayak, asmita patel, ruchika king, deepika and other fraud raw/cbi employees to justify the monthly salary which these sex workers, frauds are getting without spending any time and money online, while the google competitor is working like a slave without much compensation and is denied her fundamental rights

India has a population of more than 1.3 billion and many male domain investors with more domains, yet only the harmless hardworking google competitor is targeted for endless memory robbery by ntro, indian government since 2010, because google, tata have bribed the indian government to do so, to avoid paying salaries.

The illegal memory robbery of indian citizens by NTRO, indian government has continued for more than 8 years since 2010, making india worse than nazi germany, can anyone help end the human rights abuses

Lack of humanity and honesty of google,tata, ntro employees pampering goan prostitutes, frauds

One of the most shocking aspects of the google,tata masterminded prostitution, bribery racket, banking, financial fraud is how the animal like liar cheater google,tata, ntro employees pampering goan prostitutes, frauds defamed the domain investor as being an animal, being dishonest, when they themselves behaved like animals falsely claiming that their lazy greedy goan prostitute, fraud girlfriends and relatives who were not spending any time online, were doing the work online to give all the frauds great powers and monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor

The animal like google,tata, ntro employees were aware of the fact that their favorite goan prostitute, cheater housewife and other fraud raw/cbi employees were not doing any work online, not investing any money , yet they wasted a huge amount of indian tax payer money duping people with their lies, defaming, cheating and exploiting the domain investor for more than 8 years since 2010. It is very unfair when large companies falsely claim that their favorite prostitutes own the bank account of a small business owner.

When the goan government’s VVIP goan bhandari prostitute R&AW employee sunaina chodan (like siddhi mandrekar) only provides sex services to ntro, government employees and has no other connection to the indian internet sector, why did her pimps in google,tata ,dupe everyone that she was a online expert, domain investor owning the websites where her sex stories are being published for more than 4 years, and defame the domain investor who actually owned the websites

The refusal of the fraud intelligence and security agency officials in goa to stop pampering the google,tata sponsored goan sex worker, fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree has forced the domain investor to waste her time and money exposing the fraud, so that more people are not duped by the lies of the pimp google,tata employees, bribe taking ntro, raw,cbi employees.

Greedy corrupt Government employees refuse to recognize financial rights of indian domain investors

Domain investors are spending a lot of their time and money registering and managing domain names, especially expensive domain names. Worldwide those who wish to own any domain name, will pay the market price and get the domain name legally transferred to their name,

However in a fraud masterminded by google,tata since 2010, indian intelligence and security agencies think that if they defame a harmless indian citizens without any proof , they can cheat and exploit the domain investor for the rest of their life, falsely claim to own the domain name to get a monthly government salary for their relatives, friends , without spending any time and money , while making the real domain investor work like a slave to pay all the expenses, managing the domain names.

Reflecting the cheating, exploiting mindset of the government employees , they refuse to acknowledge the time and money which the domain investor,a private citizen, is spending and waste indian tax payer money to dupe countries, companies and people with their fake claims, defaming the real domain investor. It is a clear case of abuse of power , and these security and intelligence agency employees cannot be held accountable by indian citizens

Engineers subjected to identity theft by google, tata, NTRo have no rights

Indian citizens who are victims of identity theft by NTRO employees have no rights for the indian government and are not supposed to complain, fight for justice

India officially claims to be democracy where all citizens are equal, have the right to justice however the fact is that fraud companies in the IT sector, google, tata are openly and brazenly involved in identity theft of harmless hardworking engineerss from top colleges so that they supply sex workers, get bribes, jobs for relatives of top indian intelligence and security agency employees, control these powerful government employees who are bribed

The main aim of posting answers on quora is to get a reaction, mainly from the all powerful indian intelligence and security agencies who cannot be held accountable by ordinary indian citizens in any way for their endless frauds and lies
It does not matter if it is a negative reaction, any reaction is a very great achievement for the google competitor impersonated by 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree

In december 2017, a person closely associated with R&AW posted a comment, confirming that the goan sex workers were hired mainly for honey trapping, sex
In may 2018, in another very great achievement for the google competitor, Krishna Srini, who appears to be closely associated with te indian intelligence agencies/google/tata posted the comment that there are many other identity theft victims in India , so she should quietly tolerate it.
However the other identity theft victims must have been compensated in some way for the identity theft so they are keeping quiet, while the google competitor has not been compensated in any way for the resume theft, atrocities committed on her.

Since her career and savings were the only important things in the life of the engineer, domain investor, she will never accept the fraud of the indian intelligence and security agencies so that all citizens, especially hardworking harmless engineers from top colleges are aware of how the indian government agencies are operating, the lack of accountability, corruption, nepotism and do not ruin their lives like her for making the mistake of trusting the systems in India

If the indian intelligence and security agencies wish to end the news being posted on quora which reflect poorly on the rights of citizens in India, they should immediately return the hard earned money of the engineer to her without asking any question

Not a single person in the indian internet sector will acknowledge that the google competitor is being cheated and exploited

The indian internet sector is full of inhuman greedy shameless ruthless frauds and liars who promoting world famous goan prostitutes,cheater housewives and other frauds who do not spend any time, money and do not do any work online, as online experts, domain investors . the fraud was started by the cruel brahmin fraud ntro employee puneet, j srinivasan, and others are also following his footsteps
Due to the fraud google, tata, ntro employees , the indian internet sector has become the worst sector in the world for exploiting women especially single women domain investors who are ruthless defamed, cheated and exploited to supply sex workers to government employees, government jobs for relatives, sex workers,frauds, bribes for top officials at the expense of the domain investor who is getting nothing.

In the television, film industry and other sectors there are many women working, and the most high profile women are working hard, spending their time and are also paid well for the time they are spending. Even in other sectors women are paid fairly for the time they are spending doing work, however as part of the google,tata masterminded online, financial fraud, ntro employees refuse to acknowledge the time and money spent by women domain investors , falsely claiming that the goan call girls sunaina, siddhi supplied for sex and other frauds who are not spending any time, are doing the work, to pay the sex workers, frauds, a monthly salary, and give them great powers at the expense of the person who is actually doing the work

However due to fraud of the sundar pichai led google, in the indian internet sector, the woman domain investor who is spending the most time and money online is getting nothing while google,tata have ensured that all the goan prostitutes sunaina, siddhi, cheater housewives nayanshree, riddhi,veena, naina and frauds who cheated the domain investor are very well paid though these google, tata promoted sex workers, frauds do not spend any time and money online


Google competitor fighting GST fraud of NTRO, R&AW,cbi employees

In one of the greatest financial, GST frauds in india, masterminded by google, tata since 2010, 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan sex worker, cheater housewife, document robber and other R&AW/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree, especially goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, school dropout gujju housewife naina, indore document robber veena, bengaluru cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar,goan call girls sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar and other frauds are falsely claiming to own the bank account, GST account of a google competitor, single woman engineer, private citizen, when there is no connection at all between these fraud R&AW/cbi employees and the google competitor in the last few years.

The ntro employees led by the brahmin cheater puneet, j srinivasan, vijay. parmar, patel, exploiting the google competitor, are like puja hooda in the colors serial bepannah, who faked her marriage with a rich person, so that she could get money for her lover yash arora . The fraud ntro employees are also faking their relationship with the google competitor, domain investor, so that they can misuse her name, cheat and exploit her to the maximum extent possible, to make their real girlfriends, who they love, very rich and powerful, at the expense of the google competitor

After the bank account fraud, the GST fraud is another fraud of the powerful ntro employees cunningly and ruthlessly exploiting the google competitor with whom they are faking their relationship for personal gain

NTRO employees involved in extra marital affairs, get their girlfriends R&AW/cbi jobs with fake resumes, fake investment

Words are cheap, anyone can say anything they wish , it does not cost them any money, however actions speak louder than words, exposing the real intention of top indian government, ntro employees

when a powerful ntro employee has a torrid extra marital affair with shivalli brahmin bengaluru cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, and gets her a R&AW job falsely claiming that she has the impressive resume, investment of his btech 1993 ee classmate who he hates , it is a definite fraud on the obc bhandari single woman engineer, who is denied the income and opportunities she deserved.
It is a clear indication of the high level fraud, incompetence of the indian government that it blindly believes the complete lies of top fraud indian government employees like puneet, hathwar, kodancha, who are openly involved in corruption, nepotism, fraud.

If the brahmin fraud ntro employee puneet was honest, he would have got nayanshree a R&AW job with her own resume, investment of an inexperienced lazy greedy shivalli brahmin housewife, who was fortunate to have powerful fraud government employees as her relatives, instead of falsely claiming to be associated with a single woman bhandari engineer,domain investor who brahmin fraud nayanshree hathwar cheated and refused to reply.

Now the engineer is wasting her time and money to end the fraud of the ntro employees

Other than the google competitor, most indian citizens are free to say whatever they wish

In a clear indication of discrimination and denial of freedom of speech, a harmless google competitor is being closely monitored for more than 8 years, wasting tax payer money, falsely claiming that she is a security threat, when she rarely mentions any specific person by name, address or person in public life
On the other hand,ntro,cbi,raw are allowing everyone else in India to say whatever they wish without punishing or penalizing them in any way at all
These negative posts on a high profile indian politician clear indicate that ntro, is clearly discriminating against the google competitor, mainly because she is competing with google adwords

The google competitor is only complaining about corruption, human rights abuses, nepotism, she is not wishing ill of anyone, yet ntro is only discriminating and denying her the right to free speech