citizens forced to repeatedly flee places if they are subjected to human rights abuses

Since 2010, the tech, internet companies are openly involved in online financial fraud, slavery of the real domain investors, refusing to acknowledge the time and money which they alone are spending. Instead government agencies are rewarding the lazy greedy cheater housewives, and other frauds who are hysterically making fake allegations of security threat against the harmless domain investor, and falsely claiming that the cheater housewives and other frauds who do not pay domain expenses are domain investors, to give all the frauds great powers, monthly government salary.
The real domain investor, despite paying all the expenses, having customers outside the country, is subjected to the most horrific human rights abuses using radiation weapons causing great pain, making it difficult to do daily tasks.
So to protect themselves the tortured domain investors are forced to flee a place if they feel that they are being tortured using radiation weapons and experience pain

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